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The Twelfth.....

Ulster's National Day.....

Annual commemoration and celebration of historical events held dear in the Ulster psyche,

Events that have allowed the Ulster British to remain a free people -

Maintaining our right to national self determination

Particularly when Irish attempts to usurp that right have been thwarted.

A Flute Band on Parade

And so

While bonfires are lit, flames of freedom flare,

While bands play, brethren march our witness,

The whingers, agitators and macontents who seek to destroy Ulster,

The murderers of the Irish Death Squads, the dividers of the Ulster people,

Will know....

That they will be a thousand, million years dust in their graves and the Ulster people will still be free.

Vilfied, mocked, downtrodden, marginalised, dispised we may be,

We care not for favour, to be liked we are indifferent,

We are who we are - the Ulster British!

The world will know the Ulster people and Ulster nation will always be free.

A Pipe Band - central to musical culture of the Ulster British

And so,

In memory of the Ancient kindred of Moira, the Slaughtered of 1641, the Forefathers of Derry and the Boyne, the forgotten kinfolk who rolled back the frontier of the promised land to fulfil ancient prophesy, the Brave who stood firm in 1798, the rising sons of 1912, the fallen of the Somme, those murdered to fulfil Irish ambition over thirty years, including our friends in the great nations of England and Scotland.......

To Irish agression against our people,

To Irish attempts to annex our nation,

To the Irish Death Squads who murdered for a people who despise them.....

We say....

On this day,

And on all future days to come

Our cause is just,

Our cause is righteous.......

Our cause is Freedom...

This we will maintain

No Surrender!

Ulster Remembers Young Orange prepare for their Big Day


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