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Goatshead Beer

Some brewing advice

I guess to enjoy making beer you have to like it, right? I do! But Ive worked hard at making the best beer I can. With that in mind is there a bad beer? YES!.A beer is only as good as you make it, short cut's I have learned are a mistake. Don't try to cut costs at the expense of your beer. The recipes I have developed are good and some what cost saving. I believe that the HOPS and the YEAST are the two most important things. You choose the right hops,(My favorite for an American beer is NORTHERN BREWER), and the right yeast,(My favorite for again American beer is WYEAST 1089),. A beer is only as good as some one say's it is.


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My Opinion

I really should try an address the reason for my obsession for beer and brewing. When you reach a certain point in your life you start thinking, what have I done or simply what can I do. I looked to my favorite things and discovered that mayby I could create and develope. So I started collecting chess set's, yes chess set's. I love chess period! But all I could do is collect them. So what can I create?????? IDEA Homebrew. Not good enough for me to just make beer, follow instructions, anyone can do. I wanted to grow and ferment and make my own recipes. I guess at this point any normal person is saying "is this guy a nut", mayby so. You can take all the science and all the master brewer's in one room, but you can not add the personal touch or satifaction of the first great homebrewing batch that you create with your own hands. Any one can make a recipe or grow a hop. But to be personally satified that you have come up with a batch of beer with your own hand's that is different than anyone has ever done is very fulfilling. So in the light of all that bull, please try to grow,or brew,or mayby invent some kind of recipe that will give you the satisfaction of knowing it is yours, YES that's right you MADE IT WITH YOUR OWN HAND'S!