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Rooms With a View

This page contains pictures taken mostly from our vacation hotel rooms and include some of our more memorable travels. Just click on the location above and surf away. And remember that the purpose of this page is to share travel experiences with others. So, tell us about your Rooms With a View and send pictures. We can add as many locations as necessary. Just let us know the place and hotel; the details can be found on the internet or ask us and we'll get the details for you. By the way, being an avid photographer, I have numerous photos from all these locations, so if anyone wants to see more, I can share pictures with you.


Biographical Information

My name is Gene Dawson. My wife, Susan, and I live in Maryland and have always enjoyed travel and I am into photography. That combination over the years has resulted in a number of interesting destinations and photos. We have traveled to Europe a number of times, sometimes for extended stays, various destinations in the Caribbean, Hawaii, the US and Canada.

We've always looked upon our vacations as special treats even down to the specifics of not only where we stay, but the location of the room. We always try to get a room with a view (and a balcony, if possible). And, I always take a picture from the room. So, this idea of a web page came from the desire to share some of the neat places we've been and some cool hotels with the hope that others will share their travel experiences as well.

Please note that this is not a commercial web page and we are not marketing for these hotels, therefore we are not including contact information. However, anyone interested in these hotels can easily find them on the Internet or in travel books. You can also send me an e-mail asking for additional information and I'll be happy to provide what I can.

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Personal Interests

Photo Experience: I worked in the photo field for many years and have always been interested in photography. You know the type who takes 400 + pictures on a vacation and drives everybody crazy stopping all the time. Even though I am no longer in the photo field of work, I still like to take pictures.

Photo Equipment: I have a Canon Digital Rebel, 12.3 mega-pixel With Tamron 18-270 zoom lens, and my new favorite, a Lumix Digital 16 MP with digital zoom up to the equivalent of 1200. Yes, I can take pictures of the moon and see the craters. I use a polarizing  filter which enhances colors and eliminates glare. Recently, I had a 24" X 36" enlargement of a an picture I took in Monument Valley, Utah, and it came out so clear you'd think you could just walk into it.

Travel: Susan and I like to travel and would do it as a profession if we could. Our early trips to Europe were 1973, 75 & 79. We went all over, but liked France, Switzerland and Italy best. The Caribbean has some nice spots too. We really like the Southwest US and California too. In 1998, the company I worked for granted 8 week additional vacation time for every 10-years of employment, so in 1998 our family traveled in Europe for 3 weeks and Hawaii 2 weeks. That's really when I started thinking about rooms with views.

Note: I am a musician by hobby and write and record music. My wife and I also presented house concerts in our homes in North Potomac and Silver Spring, Maryland. Check out the web page links below.



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Gene Dawson's free MP3 music

Gene's Personal Web Page


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Contact Information


Name /Address

Gene & Susan Dawson
PO Box 477 Shady Side, Maryland 20764

E- mail address
The E-mail link is not working, so please copy and paste this e-mail address into a message to us until we correct the problem.

Cell phone

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All photos copyright by Gene Dawson
Last revised: January 4, 2017.