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Why tell stories?

First of all, because if it is used correctly, storytelling is a useful and vital skill! Let's consider Jesus for a minute. When He was on earth, what was His major form of communicating truth to His followers? Was it pronouncements, like we're going to do such and such now. No! Was it preaching? Not usually! The list could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. What He did was tell stories, which we call parables. So, God, having all knowledge at His fingertips, and knowing everyone's future, chose storytelling as the most effective means to impart truth! I don't know about you, but I think that's a pretty good reccomendation!

Second, if you want to compete favorably with the secular media for the attention of your kids, then let's take a page "from their playbook," so to speak, sanctify it, and tell stories! I mean think about it. What do most songs do? Tell stories. What about TV programs. They tell stories, too. And movies? You got it, they tell stories! In fact, you can't think of a kind of media that's not story based! So, let's learn effective ways to tell stories!

But first,,,

Take these suggestions, and use them as a springboard to propel you to greater things!

Uses of Storytelling!

It can be used for Biblical concept stories. Now these are stories that are not from the Bible, but are based on Biblical concepts.

An example...

Is that I once told a story to illustrate that different kinds of prayers have different rules, and even if you want to, you can't change them! How I did that was to tell the kids the story of Harry the Hammer, who despite the fact that his job was to hammer, (The kids, of course, made sound effects.) he wanted to saw like his friend Sally the Saw. But allas, although he tried, it didn't work, because he was a hammer.

You can tell Bible stories. However, to keep them from being "old hat" to kids, tell them from a new prospective!

An example...

An example of this, is I once told the story, which most all kids have heard a bunch of times, about Jesus ascending into heaven, from the perspective of Billy the Bird, who was flying somewhere, and stopped on a branch on a tree to rest, and low and behold, a man started going up toward the sky in front of him!

The springboard!

To look at another well versed storyteller's (Barry McWilliams) ideas about how to tell an effective story, just click on Storytelling.

In order to go to our next page of Storytelling Tips, then simply click on Storytelling-2.

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