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Uses of Puppets

Some uses, (although certainly not all) include;

  1. Teaching a Bible concept. An example is that if you were teaching that fear does not come from God, then have a puppet whose is in fear, and have him find out through a few different situations that fear is from the Devil. Another example that I currently use is a frog puppet I have called Jerry the "Duh" Frog. Now, as the name suggests, Jerry's a dim bulb! He constantly is getting the basics of a Biblical concept mixed up. In illustrating his ineptitude, he shows just how wrong someone can be relative to a Bible concept. Like when I was teaching a lesson some time ago, about the fact that different prayers have different rules that they operate by. To illustrate this concept Jerry tried to play ballgames by the wrong rules. Like he attempted to score touchdowns in baseball! In telling him that his concepts just didn't work, the kids were reinforcing the day's topic. Without realizing they were, of course!
  2. Teaching a Bible story. Like teaching the story of David and Goliath with a David puppet, a Goliath puppet, etc. This not only gives old stories a new twist as far as the kids are concerned, you have a built in storyline!
  3. Teaching songs. Puppets are a very effectve way to teach both tunes and lyrics to songs. Use humor, because kids, like all people, respond well to it!
  4. Teaching memory verses. One of the many examples is of Fast Fred. He is a puppet that I've seen used both in person and in videos to teach memory verses. First a person goes over the memory verse with the kids, until they've got it down. Then FF appears, and he brags that he can say the verse faster than any kid. Of course he goes over it several times with the kids, messing up key words so that 2 things are happening. First in correcting FF, the kids are reinforcing the verse in their minds. Second, they're having fun in the process! Then, once he's "up to speed," the kids take turns racing FF. He injects more humor by trying to kiss the girls, and picking imginative bugs off of the boys. For a variation of this concept, just click on Fast Frank.
  5. Teaching books of the Bible.
  6. The potential of puppets is limited strictly by your imagination!

In order to look at the next section relative to puppets, just click on puppet-2.

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