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Sail the Caribbean on  
(340) 771-3734

 Shanty facts-at-a-glance

Breed: 100% Island Dog
Born: 1993
Sailing expertise: Letting Captain Bob know when it's time to turn.
Favorite Pastime: Posing for pictures.





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Hi, I'm Shanty the Sea Dog

The coolest dog in the Caribbean -- Aaaarf!


I live to sail. I joined up with Captain Bob as his First Mate when I was just a pup. Since then, the Capt'n and I have shown visitors to St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands the best sunsets, sea breezes and most fantastic sails to be found in the Caribbean. Captain Bob thinks it's his great sailing and story telling that keep people returning to Spree -- that's our vessel -- year after year. I know they come back to see me. But that can be our little secret. Friends that have joined us for sails send back photos of me all the time. Modesty keeps me from telling you how cute I am.

Come sail with us on Spree once and I'll bet I'll see you again and and again. You'll tell your friends it's for the snorkeling, beautiful scenery, and the relaxing and rejuvenating sea breezes, and maybe even Captain Bob's stories (some are whoppers, let me warn you). But I'll know it's because you can't get enough of me. Aaaarf. I'm a bit of a pirate myself.


See you in Cruz Bay, St. John U.S.V.I.