Well, welcome to the profiles for the 2000 G.I. Joe Two Packs. The way I figured I would do it is to start with my least favorite of the figures and move up to the one I liked the most. So if these first few reviews seem luke warm, that's because I'm just building to the good ones!!
Don't get me wrong, Chameleon is an excellent figure. I like it a lot, but it is, after all, merely a minor adjustment to The Baroness. I am one of the few people who actually LIKES the Chameleon character and how she was integrated into the Joe universe, but the fact remains that the figure itself is pretty much just The Baroness with some red highlights. However, those red highlights add a LOT to the figure, in my opinion. There looks to be some pattern to them and they are really beneficial to the overall toy, not too cluttered and not so prevelant that they take away from the dark black uniform. They make her stand out, but not enough so that she is obvious. She could pass as The Baroness, as she needs to, but it also definitely a different character with some differences about her.
One thing about the new red highlights on this figure that I DONT like is the Cobra Symbol. I much prefer the straight out red symbol over the black symbol on the red circle. Don't ask me why, just one of those little picky things, I guess.
There isn't really a whole lote more I can say about The Baro---err...Chameleon, as pretty much everything said about the original Baroness applies to this figure. The plastic quality is great and the weapons choices were dead on. I love that little walkie talkie, too! Overall, a big jump from Tomahawk to Chameleon, and the figures just get better from here!