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These are the marathons I have available.  Not all are accounted for on this page yet, so if there’s something GSN has aired that you’re interested in, by all means e-mail me and ask, especially if it aired after June 29, ’01 (where my previous set of records stops).  All marathons are from Game Show Network unless otherwise stated.


1/1/99 - 1sts on the 1st - hosted by “As Seen On…” vault guy Greg Baker - Premiere episodes of:  The Gong Show (unaired first ep. with John Barbour - ’76), Match Game 73, Card Sharks (’78), Blockbusters (’80), Jeopardy (Trebek’s first - ’84), The $25,000 Pyramid (Clark’s first - ’82), What’s My Line (’50), Password (first nighttime ep. - ’62), Body Language (’84), Tattletales (’74), Family Feud (’76). - sorry, Extreme Gong not included. (m100-150)


12/31/99 - Y2Play! - hosted by Charles Nelson Reilly - Remember the Y2K scare?  Chuck hilariously exaggerates the feeling, as GSN presents a full eight hours of game show finales:  Jeopardy! (Fleming’s last - ’79), Double Dare (NBC - ’77), Super Password (’89), Body Language (’86), Now You See It (Narz’s last - ’74), Blockbusters (Cullen’s last - ’82), The Newlywed Game (last of original ABC daytime run - ’74), Card Sharks (’89), The $25,000 Pyramid (’88), I’ve Got a Secret (original run - ’67), Password (’67), To Tell the Truth (original run - ’68), What’s My Line? (original run - ’67), The Gong Show (’78), Family Feud (original ABC run - ’85), Match Game (syndie - ’82) - fee plugs intact on all post-’70 shows except MG. (m200-275)  THIS TAPE IS CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE.


10/28/00 - Raise the Dead - hosted by Elvira, Mistress of the Dark - Unsold pilots:  Cop Out, Get Rich Quick, Second Guessers, The $10,000 Sweep, Dollar a Second, Twisters, Says Who?, The Riddlers. - Riddlers is slightly flawed--see explanation on my main trading page. (m300-335)


11/00 - Family Feud Thanksgiving Marathon - hosted by Richard Dawson - 8 hand-picked episodes of the Feud. (m400-435)


12/23/00 - The 12 Games of Christmas - hosted by Betty White - Christmas episodes of: Wheel of Fortune, Tattletales, Password Plus, Body Language, To Tell the Truth (‘90s), The Dating Game (with H.R. Pufnstuf), Card Sharks, Super Password, Match Game 73, Family Feud, Beat the Clock (with Monty Hall), I’ve Got a Secret. (m500-556)


1/20/01 - Match Game _______athon - eight hand-picked episodes, with “Match Game Moments” (including the Karen Lesko blooper) and clips from a ‘90s interview with Gene Rayburn. (m600-715)


3/24/01 - Game Show Network’s Green Ball Awards - hosted by Janice Pennington and Todd Newton - eight awards given out, each with two runners-up (clip shown) and a winner (entire ep. shown).  The shows are: The Dating Game, Match Game pm, I’ve Got a Secret (B&W), Tattletales, The Newlywed Game, Make the Connection, Match Game (81), Super Password. (g2100-2135)


4/28/01 - The Fools of April - hosted by Jimmie Walker - eight comedians featured in episodes of: The Gong Show, Password (B&W), The Dating Game, I’ve Got a Secret (B&W), Password Plus, What’s My Line? (B&W), Celebrity Jeopardy!, I’ve Got a Secret (color). (g2000-2035)


5/26/01 - GSN Salutes the Armed Forces - hosted by Gary Burghoff and Jamie Farr - military-themed episodes of:  I’ve Got a Secret (B&W), To Tell the Truth (’91), Family Feud (Combs), What’s My Line? (’70), To Tell the Truth (B&W), Card Sharks (’89), I’ve Got a Secret (B&W), Hollywood Showdown. (g2500-2535)


2/10/02 - For Better or for Worse:  The Best of The Newlywed Game - hosted by Bob Eubanks - seven great episodes and a lot of very funny clips [g] (u1700-1735)


3/23/02 - GSN’s Golden Pyramid Awards - hosted by Cupcake Monroe - seven episodes (2 $20K, 4 New $25K, 1 $100K), each preceded and followed by an award segment - Best Meltdown, Best Dirty Mind, Best Close Call, Best Master of the Game, Best Things a Swinger Would Say, Best Fashion Statement, and Best Brain Freeze. (u3100)


5/11/02 - The Mother of all Game Shows - five shows (Hollywood Squares, Password Plus, Whammy!, Tattletales, Feud) and clips from other shows with favorite moms. (u4310-4334)



The following are four-hour blocks aired as “Game Show Saturday Night”:


Blockbusters - eight consecutive episodes with the dominating Leland Yung (g3100-3135)


Family Feud - eight consecutive daytime episodes, starting with the last six appearances of the unbeatable Ugoretz clan (g800-835)


Family Feud - eight consecutive daytime episodes - including THE greatest ep. in the show’s history - fee plugs intact in all eps. (g2300-2335)


Mall Masters - a GSN original (g1000-1035)


Match Game 7x - eight eps. (75, 75, 75, pm, 78, 76, pm, (81)) with Scoey Mitchlll (g1800-1835)


Match Game 7x - 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79 , 74 - I believe these have something in common, but I don’t remember what (g3500-3535)


Match Game 77 - eight consecutive eps. (g500-535)


Match Game 77 - picking up where the last one left off (g1400-1435)


Match Game 77 - picking up where that one left off (g1500-1535)


Match Game pm (g700-735)


The $20,000 Pyramid - eight episodes, starring David Letterman (g1600-1635)


The New $25,000 Pyramid (g2200-2235)


The $100,000 Pyramid - full, 8-episode tournament with Richard, Robin, and Toby (g600-635)


The $100,000 Pyramid - 2 full tournaments - Barb, Patty, Tim (5 eps.) and Al, Carrie, Jenny (3 eps.) (g1100-1135)


The $100,000 Pyramid - 2 full tournaments - Lynn, Marilyn, M.G. (5 eps.) and Al, Carrie, Jenny (3 eps.) (g3400-3435)


Treasure Hunt (’81) - eight consecutive episodes of the always-hilarious show - last few feature the ever-comedic contestant, Rose (g2700-2735)