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The Story

Lemme see... How should I explain? Well, it's basically a story about guy's cop parents are killed, guy goes to yakuza (Japanese mafia) classmate's place for food; classmate not to happy about guy tricking him, threatens to kill his brothers if he doesn't tell who killed is father, guy lies and says he'll know when he sees him; classmate assigns guy to be a bodyguard; O wait!...GUY is actually a GIRL! *shock, surprise* :o

Girl pretending to be a guy finds out that classmate knows and viola! There goes the story of Tokyo Crazy Paradise Crazy, huh? Did forget t mention it's set in the future time say, maybe, 50 years from now. I think? Okay, okay, okay, okay, I KNOW that wasn't the best summary of TCP but it sorta fits it. *lieing*

If you REALLY want to know read the manga! It is sooo much better than reading summaries. The drawings are terrific and the story is just tooo damn good to pass up. I'll make a better story of TCP when I'm really awake but for now yell at me. You're allowed to. *hehe* ahh wells see yas lataz