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-NEWS (Mar 18 2002)-

Not too much new this month, besides another fresh playlist for everyone.
Added some good requests (thanks eric and sean!) and some other good stuff...
Celebrate the Nun, General Public, Adult, Icicle Works, Catherine Wheel to name a few
...and always some Depeche Mode, New Order and Moz. ;)

To the clubs...
Re:Mission! 2.0 features a New Order night on March 28th.
Dance to your favorite New Order hits mixed in with your weekly dose of New Wave, Synthpop, and Neuwave.

-NEWS (Feb 09 2002)-

DJ Ash and Xistenza go through their archives to bring you yet another brand new playlist.
This month, listen to your old favorites, some NEW releases (PBS!!), and some killer B-sides.

On the club side, Re:Mission! has moved back home to The Pyramid.
After a 5 month "tour" around NYC, Re:Mission! heads home on Thursday,February 14th.
Come celebrate their home coming next week!!

-NEWS (Jan 04 2002)-

It's January 2002 and Radio:deutschland! has a brand new playist to kick off the new year. Enjoy!

-NEWS (Dec 01 2001)-

Radio:Deutschland! Christmas Special!!!

That's right, for the month of December, Radio:Deutschland! is broadcasting it's FIRST Christmas Show.

Put those Bing Crosby records away, and listen to Christmas music you REALLY like!!

You'll hear from the Pet Shop Boys, Erasure, Belle & Sebastian, Saint Etienne,
The Waitresses, Dead or Alive, XTC, The Smithereens, Captain Sensible, The Ramones,
The Pogues, The Echoing Green, U2, Peter Murphy, and more of your favorite bands.

Happy Safe Holidays from Xistenza & DJ Ash!!

It's Official!!!

Radio:deutschland! is now the one and only designated "Offical" radio show for Re:mission! 2.0.

That's right, now all you Re:Mission! fans have a companion to your favorite club night.

Listen to classic Britpop, Synthpop, and 80s songs...

Hear NEW bands similiar to all your favorites.

Hear rare B-sides and alternate remixes.

Discover something new and...BE MANIPULATED.


Stage 1 - radio:deutschland! begins as an internet radio show of britpop, newwave, synthpop, and rare 80s
Stage 2 - Needed electro
Stage 3 - Synthetic Radio was born and became an internet radio show of ebm, electro and industrial
Stage 4 - Needed to be connected
Stage 5 - Radio:deutschland evolves - links the two radio broadcasts to one site

radio:deutschland! - newwave, brit, synthpop, electropop

Synthetic Radio - electro, ebm, industrial