First out you need to remove the back cover from the TV to expose all its guts. You prolly want to unplug the thing before you take the cover off to avoid being shocked too badly. And don't be sticking yer fingers all over the place in there either, some of the components in there can hold a charge of several thousand volts for hours. Next locate the horizontal and vertical deflection yolk coils attached to the CRT. These are going to be coils of copper magnet wire wrapped around the skinny part of the picture tube. Trace these two coils (four wires) to their end, usually a connector plugged into the main board. Yank out the connector from the board, mine looked like this:
These deflection coils are what 'steers' the electrons on their way from the gun to the phosphor screen. By passing currents through these coils, their field changes and interacts with those little electron guys, changing the trajectory. The rest of this project interfaces with these coils.
Since these cables are pretty short and are around the back side of the TV, I cut off the connector and spliced in a new 4 conductor cable about 8 feet long so I would have easy access to the wires from my work-bench. At this time you could drill a hole in the back of the TV cabinet and poke the wires through so you can put the back cover back on, but I left mine off in case I felt the need for a good high voltage wake-me-up shock later in the night.
The two pairs of deflection coil wires can now be tested to see which coil controls horizontal and vertical deflection of the electrons. Apply a low DC voltage (don't plug it into the wall unless you want a fireworks show) across a pair of the deflection coil wires. If the dot shifts to the left, you've got the horizontal circuit but the polarity is backwards. If the dot goes up, then you've the vertical deflection with the correct polarity. For my TV, the red and white wires were the horizontal coil and it took +-3 Volts for 1 Amp to span the entire tv set. The black and green wires turned out to be vertical with +-7.5 Volts corresponding to 140 mA for complete span of the screen. If you just want to fool about with funny lines and patterns, you can just hook these coils up to various function generators or low voltage AC (like from a VARIAC) and see what patterns you can make. The picture on the right is what mine looked like with a couple volts at 60 hertz hooked up to each deflection coil. This would be a circle pattern if each of the deflection coils had the same deflection distance for the same voltage applied. It is also especially amusing to reverse the deflection coil polarity and hook them back up to the board. This causes the regular TV broadcast to be displayed backwards, like viewing through a mirror (fun for movies with sub-titles). Backwards, upside-down, sideways, you can do them all just by switching around the deflection coils. Also great to see how long your roommate can tolerate playing the PS2 with backwards controls.
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Last updated: 02/20/05