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* Jem Unites Us (A Jem art site by my good friend Elaine! Check out her talents and beautiful drawings)
* Jem Unlimited (A Truely Outrageous Site, downloads, episodes, info, pics, and anything you can think of! A highly recommended site)
* Starlight Juckebox (Every Jem song available to download, its a great site)
* Jem Artworkz (Visit Olga's Jem art site! She's very talented and wants you to get involed in Jem art, check it out.)
* Jem Evolution (A newly improved Jem site with lots of fanart, downloads and much more to come in the future. Make sure you bookmark this one.)
* Universal Appeal (an excellent Jem site with tons of stuff to do! Very impressive)
* Jem Fans (Tons of videos and episodes available to download, all are in good quality so check it out!)
* The Misfits - Almost The Last Stand (Really cool Misfits graphics! This site has a fan fic, character bios, pics, custom characters and lots of originality!)
* People Who Care (The biggest Jem petition out there! Over 900 names! Support Jem!)
* Aja's Campaign (A good campaign where you can get the addresses of some places to send them letters about getting Jem back)
* Jem Trade Center(A cool site where you can trade Jem items!)
* Raya's Petition to get Jem Dolls and Other Merchandice back (Fast easy petition, Over 900 names! so go sign it)
*Floortje's Jem Shop (A really awesome site! Lots of info on doll trading, buying and fasions)
*Jem Jello (A brand new Jem site where you can download tons of Jem MP3's, pics, and more!)
*Click/Clash (a really impressive site! Has everything! Pics, info, banners, dolls, and journals. Check it out!)
*Star Light Studio (An awesome site where you can interact with other Jem fans! And find tons of pics, sites, and info about Jem)
*BubbleGumGlam (A REALLY cool Jem site where you can download Jem MP3s, graphics and more!)
*Bring Super Sunday and Saturday back on TV(Sign a petition to get Super Sunday back on TV, which includes shows like Jem! So help out)
*Jem vs Pranceatron (Wow this site has it all! Dolls, bios, pics, fasions and a whole lot more!)
* North Star Records (A truely outrageous Jem site about fanfics, fanart and more! Make sure you visit real soon)
* The World Of Jem (A very popular site with TONS of cool stuff)
* Truly Outrageous Jem Mailing List (Join a Jem mailing list!)
*B*r*i*t*r*o*c*k (A really cool site devoted to the Misfits, Go UK!)
* Stingers Invasion! (Tons of Stingers pics and info, along with some humor)
*Get Jem Songs On CD Petition (A New Petition, So Help Out!)
*Toon Cenrtal (They sell series of 80s cartoons at very good prices, Thanks Sarah! ^_^)
*Jem Jammers (Brand new Jem site! Focuses on all the music groups in Jem, including the lesser known. Looks great!)

Not Jem sites, but sites made by big Jem fans!

*Kae-Leah's Disney Site (A really cool site about Disney! It's got lots of fun stuff to do, and includes info about Disney shorts and more!)
*Chibi's Art Site!** (My friend Chibi's site, she's so talented and her pics are soo cute! Check it out!)
*Hello Kitty Loves Japan! (A cute and new site about japanese anime, music and a lot more! Lots of updates coming soon)

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