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undefined > Sweet Stuff's Gumdrops

Welcome Welcome!!!

Hiyas!! How are you? That's good. Welcome to my page. Here, have a gumdrop. Yummy, huh? They're my favorite! Where would you like to go today? Well, um, there's the trade and want lists- you can visit my trade list if you scroll down. You can find a links page and story corner... lots of goodies for you!!! Have fun and remember to sign my dreambook!!

**Under construction!! Will be up and running soon!!**

*The My Little Pony Beauty Boutique!* .... a collection of mg's that you can get help and help tohers with their pony care/beauty probems!
*Webrings and links* .... um, well, webrings and links
*Pinwheels's Trades* .... see what's up for trade!
*Wish upon a pony's ribbon* .... Visit my wishlist
*The pony fair* .... Enter a contest
*Pollies* .... pointless but entertaining polls
*Story Corner* .... Various short stories of mine
*The Bedtime Newborns* .... mini-shrine
*Rio's Cookie Bucket* .... my life page, lots of pics of me and my horse!
*Shrine to Sweet Stuff* .... self-explainetory...
*The Online My Little Pony Coloring Book!* .... hosted by the one and only (cutie-pie) Periwinkle :)
*Dreamy Up* .... my Moondreamers section

Like my adopted babies? You can get some at the Lullabye Nursery!

Sweet Stuff Locket Blueberry Baskets Rose Dust
Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Mail to me, Sweet Stuff!!!

~~*Sweet Stuff's Info*~~
Description:: light blue w/pink, purple and whites shades in her hair. Her symbol is gumdrops She came with a yellow star comb, a yellow ribbon and a scrath and sniff sticker of herself. In Germany, she cam with a brochure for the Pony Mami club. Her UK name is Sweetie and her German name is Naschkatze.


I have changed my name from Yum Yum (y'know Yum Yum's Sweet Shoppe) to Sweet Stuff. This includes my email. I no longer use my account as I really dislike Just soz ya know ^.^ I recently won a MOC Sweet Stuff (which I'm gonna open, I don't mind if you slap me... I need it) off of eBay and I was instantly entranced. I never could find her in collector quality, so I honestly began to hyperventilate (ok, so I have anxiety attacks, sue me!). I just had to have her! Luckily, the one I won had a beat up card, so I had an excuse to open her ^_^

Sweet Stuff's Poll
Is my website cute? =^.^=

Current Results

With bless'ed love and guiding spirits,
As ever,
~*Sweet Stuff