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© By Allison Katts

I received a very special gift one CHRISTMAS.

I reached out for a hug that I needed from this special lady.

She had known me as a child and through my recovery of abuse.

As I was hugging her, I felt unconditional love coming from her.

I felt true unconditional love for the first time in my life

I was already in my 30 plus and the thrill that I felt in my heart,

I was able to feel that healthy mature love as an adult.

I felt it deep inside my heart and tears came rolling down my cheeks.

And I said to her deep from my heart "I love you and MERRY CHRISTMAS"

I felt a healthy mature love from her and not a motherly love.

I felt myself being able to return that same unconditional love.

As we were safely hugging and comforting each other the day before CHRISTMAS

This gift that I received that CHRISTMAS has opened new doors for me and life have been more of a treasure.

It has helped me realize that all the pain of my recovery was all worth it.

No material gifts can ever replace this very special moment in my life.

Only through my recovery and growth I am able to be in touch with my emotions

My recovery has help get me in touch with my feeling that was so numb for a long time.

By breaking the silence and isolation I was able to feel unconditional love for the first time.

This surely was a perfect gift to receive so very close to CHRISTMAS.