Name: Jazabell
Age: 15
Sex: female
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 110 lbs
HairColor: White
Eye Color: Blue
SkinColor: Lightly Tanned
Body Frame: Toned
Strength: 4,000,000,000
Intelligence: 4,000,000,000
Dexterity: 4,000,000,000
Wisdom: 4,000,000,000
Charisma: 4,000,000,000
Constitution: 4,000,000,000
Defense: 4,000,000,000
HP: 4,000,000,000
MP: 4,000,000,000
Race: White Dragon
Job: Guardian of OmenHill
Ethics: Good
Level: 4+
Money: 100,000,000
Element: Water
History: Jazabell Merokai is a young orphan girl who lived in Evena, and was taken in by King Sheron where she met his daughter Endrenn and Krista Stormsmith, Sheron's bedwarmer and Night's partner. The two took care of Jazabell like a little sister although Endrenn was alot more protective of her and it made Krista jealous. Krista wanted to destroy the relationship between Endrenn and Jazabell so she began to tell Jazabell that she was not worty of Endrenn's care, and should just leave. Which Jazabell did, she want to leave although once Endrenn found out of Jazabell's disappearious. She went in search for the young girl, which she found Jazabell with a young unknown thief. Endrenn was not happy about the news of Krista and brought Jazabell home. Endrenn began to train Jazabell, teaching her every move she knew and how to control her water. Things when good, and Krista hated Jazabell up to the point where if Endrenn left Jazabell home alone Krista would try to make Jazabell her slave. Although she was never allow to speak of this though, up until Endrenn noticed the bruises on Jazabell's body. Before Endrenn had a chance to confront Krista Sheron sent Endrenn on a job to kill a young woman, Before Endrenn left she gave Endrenn a necklace and then went on her mission, Days passed until Endrenn finally returned although it was already known that Endrenn did not kill Jada Firestar and for that Endrenn would be killed. Jazabell at the time was good at faking people deaths, and other things like that so she got a letter from Endrenn telling her to meet her at the meeting place, which was an old tree with theyre names carved into it. Jazabell and Night came up with a plan to make Night start a fire and then make it look like she was killed with in it. After they took care of that Sheron became Suspecious of Jaza and made Krista watch her very closely. After a few years with no word from Endrenn Jazabell started to get into the "business" and she also learn a few other tricks. This went on until Jazabell got a phone call from Endrenn, Once again she needed to fake her friend's death once again. Jazabell was ordered to stay at the haven and take care of Endrenn's job,Which she liked since it got her away from Krista. Jazabell met up with a young man named Arion, who was also Endrenn's boyfriend brother. Arion gave Jazabell a job along with Endrenn's job, Jazabell is also on a quest although it is unsure of what it is, since she doesn't speak about it to anymore.