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Hi! For those of you who don't know me, my name's Lisa and I'm a 17-year-old Braves fan. Welcome to my webpage, dedicated to my favorite professional sports team... the Atlanta Braves. In case you've been here before or plan on returning (please do!), my website can also be accessed at the URL That's a lot easier to remember than the angelfire URL which most of you probably use. If you have difficulty in accessing any of the pages on my site or have suggestions please let me know! My e-mail address is at the bottom of the page. For some reason, many Netscape users have complained that they cannot view most of the pages. I'm trying to correct this problem. I have to confess that I've been a bit slow about updating my page so far this season. Summer's here though, so expect new features. If you have suggestions, be sure to let me know! Anyway, thanks for coming... enjoy looking around my website, and be sure to SIGN MY GUESTBOOK BEFORE YOU LEAVE!! Whether I know you or not, I love to hear from you! Sign My Guestbook
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