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Izlude(Knight Blade)'s Game central

Holy hell...o_o;;;
I came across this old piece of shit page I had years ago...
and I'm in a great deal of pain by how awful it is!

So...I might take time to remake it, it won't have much though, but
it won't be at angelfire (Too many ads >_<), and it won't have as
much content, but will surely be better than this.

I'm just in shock that people actually signed the guestbook...and were...
nice about it too...
Well, except for one guy. ^_^
But he was right, this site is dead, yet maybe I can bring it back.

In the meantime, here is Enmity Haven, my current web page
that has my scanned drawings. I dunno if anyone cares...but...

Take care.
(Wait...I'm Izlude?...oh yeah)






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Normally I'd copyright, but this site is crap anyway...
I wasn't too bright when I was younger...was I? ^_^