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AOL 3.0 Proggies


I do not hold myself responsible for your actions of these progz!!! These progz are for educational and entertainment purposes only. Thanks

America Online 3.0 1IM Punters

Golden Eye 007 1IM Punter:ReaLLy BaSiC To UsE ReaLLy GoOd FoR BeGiNnErS BuT FiNiShEs ThE JoB In SeCoNdS.
1IM CRASH:GrEaT 1IM PuNtEr ReaLLy BaSic AnD EvEn InClUdEs A PrEtTY GoOd ChAt RoOm ScRoLLeR
1IM Punter:The same as all others really basic with a 1IM punt string.
1IM WAOLE:ThIs Is PrOBAbLy OnE Of ThE BeSt 1IM PuNtErS OuT ThErE JUsT DoMiNaTeS ThE EnImiE's WiTh 4 DiFfErEnt PuNtINg MeThOdS
AGENT:ReaLLy PhAt 1IM PuNtEr ReaLLy GoOd AnD TeRmInAtEs YoUr OpPoNeNt By KiCkInG ThErE AsS OfFLInE
AMW ERROR:LoGs OfF EvErY LaMeR WiTh ThIs PuNtEr It GeTs ThE JoB DoNe By DoMiNaTiNg EvErY LaMer On AoL
BAW:ReALLy CoOl PuNtEr GoTs A GrEaT IcOn AnD It LoOkS ReALLy CoOl AnD FiNiShEs ThE JoB
BLUNTZ 12:ReALLy CoOl 1IM PuNtEr ThIs Is BaD A$$ PuNtEr WoRtH DoWnLoAdIng EvEn InClUdEs A AnTi PuNtEr
Celtix v1:OnE Of The 1IM PuNtErS Of ThE CeLtIx SeRiEs OnLy 51.6K WoRtH DoWnLoAdInG
Celtix v2:OnE Of The 1IM PuNtErS Of ThE CeLtIx SeRiEs OnLy 66.7K WoRtH DoWnLoAdInG
Celtix v3:OnE Of The 1IM PuNtErS Of ThE CeLtIx SeRiEs OnLy 51.6K WoRtH DoWnLoAdInG
Celtix v3.1:OnE Of The 1IM PuNtErS Of ThE CeLtIx SeRiEs OnLy 67.0K WoRtH DoWnLoAdInG
Cold Reboot:ReaLLy PouPuLaR 1IM PuNtEr AnD ItS ReaLLy GoOd A MuSt DoWnLoAd!!!!
Da 1 punt by uta:Its another 1im punter no diffrent than any other 1 im punter. it says in the info part that it only punts aol16 bit people
DARK:Some options not many with 1IM punt string but it finishes the job.
DEONZ:Pretty good interface with not really many options and supposively for 3.0
D X 1IM :I feel sorry for this 1IM punter it got affected alot by the new aol changes it is really outdated.
EoR 1im punter:ReALLy AlTeRnAte ChOiCes To PuNtInG To PuNtInG MeTHOds ReALLy CoOl!!
Error By Exit:ReALLy PhAt PuNtEr PuNtS The FuCk OuT Of AnY LaMer LIkE SHI In JuSt AbOuT TwO IM'S
Error3:AlMoSt ThE SaMe As ErRoR Me JuSt a LiTTle BiT CheApEr But StILL Is A ReALLy TiGhT PuNtEr
Error Me by Shot:AnOtHeR ErRoR 1IM PuNtEr PuNtS TheM Of WiTh AnD ILLeGaL SiGn ANd LoGs ThEm OfF AoL
Fatal Error:ThIs Is OnE Of ThE BeSt 1IM PuNtErS OuT On ThE AoL NeT ExEcUtEs EvErYoNe WiTh 1IM To OuT Of ThE InTeRnEt!!
Flare v1.0:ThIs Is A 1IM ThAt BrEaKs ThRoUgH AnY AnTi InClUdInG AuTo AnTi98!!!!!
FRIEND:A really friendly punter with options and a good punt string and a small file too.
GLOW:CoOl OnE IM OuNtEr WITh ThE InSpIrInG PuNtEr NaMe AnD The TiGhT WaY It TaKeS PeoPLe ApArt
GOD 1IM PUNTER:ReALLy CoOl PuNtErS KnOwS SUcH As PeOpLe CaLL It ThE GoD Of EvErY PuNtEr OuT ThERE.....hehehehe
Hiroshima:This is supposed to be in the multi section but I added it here it got's a great 1IM, Room buster, Email Punt, Anti-Punt, etc.
IMPACT:ThE NaMe SaYs It ALL ThE PuNtEr CaN Do It JuSt FlAsHeS ThRoUgH EvErY AnTi
Internal Error By FleX:OnE Of ThE MoSt PoUpUlArS PuNtErS I HaVe GoOd KnOwN As HoW GoOd It Is AnD ThE FaSt SpEeD FoR PuNtInG
IOTA:PrEtTY TiGhT PuNtEr GoTs A ReALLy BaSiC 1IM PuNtEr ThAt EvEn InClUdEs A PrEtTY FaSt 1IM PuNtEr
Jay Rug:ThIs PuNtEr WiLL GeT EvErYoNeS AtTeNtIoN In ThE CHaT ROoM!!!!
KILL AOL:I love the name and the 1IM it's great and really dependable.
lims 1im punter:This one is used alot and people asked for it alot but ive never used it so i wouldnt know
MMX v1.0 :This got really fast speed punting IM'S and does a job of 10 IM'S in only one IM
NAPALM:Pretty good M asked from people very much for the great work it does.
Nitro:The name says it all really fast punting string with ok interface.
NUKETECH:NiCe GrApHicS GoTs AnD AdVeRtIzEr And A 1IM PuNtEr ThAt Is ReALLy PhAt
Oxt ieet 1im punter by cream:A ReALLy FaMoUs PuNtEr JuSt PuT It Up CaUsE PeOPlE AsKeD FoR It MaNy TiMeS!!!
Raptor:1IM PuNtEr ReAlLy BaSiC To UsE YoU CaN WaRn PeOpLE AnD HaS A FaKe ErRoR To ScArE OfF YoUr EneMiE!!!
Ressurection:PrObAbLy OnE Of ThE BeSt OuT ThErE AND RaNkEd AbOuT #5000..J/K... PrEtTy GoOd PuNtEr OnE Of Da BeSt
SHUTDOWN:Really great one of my favorite 1IM with good punt string stc.
STATIC:OnE Of ThE ToP PuNtErS OuT ThErE AnD I SaY ThE BeSt I UsE It MaNy TiMeS AnD CoMpLeTeS ThE JoB!!!
SUCK IT (ANOTHER D X PUNTER):Really similar as the DX punter but this one does work really well.
Sure Shot:Big file for a 1Im punter but the punter is great and has a shitload of options.
SWEET:Really GrEaT punter and really basic with a tiny file.
TAKES1:It OnLy TaKeS1 ChAnCE To DOWnLoAd THiS GrEaT 1Im PuNtEr JuSt Go AhEaD AnD YoU'll See It Was WORtH DoWnLoAdInG!!!!
Twist 1:ReALLy GrEaT PuNtEr AsKeD For AlOt WoRtH DoWnLoAdIng AnD GoTs ManY OpTiOnS To PuNt OfF PeOplE
Twist 2:AnOtHeR VeRsIoN Of TwIst OnLy A LiTtLe NeWeR VeRsIoN AND BeTtEr WiTh A NeW AddItIoN Of AmOunT Of StUff In It!!!
UTAONLY1:OnLy 1 ChAnCe To SuRiVe AfTeR BeInG AtTaCkEd By ThIs ReAlLy PoWeRfUl 1IM PuNtEr HeRe!!!
VANISH:GrEaT 1IM PuNtErS GOt MaNy MeThOdS To PuNt a PeRsOn In MaNy WaYs!!!
WAOL1:GrEaT SoUnD On ThE PuNtEr I LoVe ThIs PuNtEr ItS GrEaT In MaNy DiFFeReNt WaYs!!!
WAREZ X 1IM:Hella cool punter this is probably the best ones out there with many great punting options.
WARTIME:It HaS ManY OpTiOnS AnD MeThOdS To PuNt OfF a PerSon AnD Is OnE Of My FavorItE!!!
Worms v1.0:This is the first 1 on the worms series but is kind of outdated
Worms v2.0:This is twice as better and everything works on this one but it is great and punts like a pro.
Worms v3.0:+10 for this punter ranked #1 on my 1IM punt list, I recommend you to download this punter.
YIKES:GrEaT 1IM PuNtEr EvEn InClUdEs ThE FoLLowing: It GoTs A RoOm BuStEr AnD A MaSs MaiLeR!!
ZEE1IMPN:ReAlLy BaSiC 1IMPuNtEr BuT GeTs ThE JoB DoNe In A ReALLy FaSt TiMe!!

America Online 3.0 Punters

AIM Punter v1.0:This is the first of the AIM Punters, It's really basic but it used to get the job done. The punt strings are outdated unfortunately and it suffers numerous errors due to the fact that it was written in SendKeys.
AIM Punter v2.0:This was the second of the AIM Punters, it is quite a bit better than v1.0 but it's punt methods are also outdated and it suffers from numerous errors due to the Send Keys that were used to program it.
AIM Punter v3.0 :There are currently a number of errors occuring with v3.0 The most prominent is "runtime Error 7 - Out of memory"
1 IM NUKE:. It's got a phat ass interface, and some tite ass methods. One of the best i've seen so far. MUST DOWNLOAD!
ADIDAS PUNTER:This punter is ok. It's got little options but is a big file.
AEON PLANTIUM 2.3:Hella tyte ass punter. It has many methods wit a lil interface.MUST DOWNLOAD!!!
AOA RIOT PUNTER:Its a mass punter which goes pretty fast, but has a real shitty interface though.
AREA 53 PUNTER:A really old prog I heard it's bearly a punter, it's a IM bomber.
BAHAMUT 3.0:A pretty nice interface with 15 methods of punting.But the programming itself is great. I recommend it.
BLUE BALL KIKER:Cheap punter with a shity interface.
BLUE CROSS 4.0:A old and slow punter.
BLUE FOG 2.0:A old punter that suffers from interal errors
BLUE PUNTER:Not so many option's
BOOGYMAN PUNTER 1.0:Nice intro, and a nice punter. It's packed with methods. It's got little secret places to click to get nude pics of celebrities. It's a pretty big file though
BOOGYMAN PUNTER 2.0 :Just a updated version from boogyman 1.0 .
BOOT FINAL PUNTER:old and cheap punter with only 1 method
CENT TOOLS:Couldn't get it to work.
COMBAT 3.0:It's just another punter with the same methods. Freeze, lag, the usual. It's got some nice art and a pretty cool interface though
COZMIC PUNTER:Pretty fast punter with good interface.
CRUCIFIXION:It has like 15 methods, a anti punt, and a tosser. It also has a nice intro.
CRYONIC 2.0:This punter is hella cool. It has a cool intro and has 40 methods.
CRYSTAL PUNTER:Never got this to work
CUNT PUNT 1.0:The updates fucked up this punter. The freeze doesnt work anymore.
DARK CARNIVAL:Weak interface, one of those plain grey ones. It's slow too, and old as hell
DARK FORCE PUNTER 2.0:This dark force kicks ass. It doesn't fuck up and it lags like a fucker.
DARK ERROR:This is just another punter. Nothing new or special.
DIGITAL PUNTER:I couldn't get this to work.
DIMENTIONS PUNTER:Phat ugly ass interface but it has hella methods.
DITTO PUNTER:I couldn't get this to work.
DJINN 2.0:It has MANY methods hella anti breaks.
DRAGON BALL Z:Hella shitty prog with not much options.
DUST PUNTER:Couldn't get it to work
DX PUNTER:This has some fucked up strings super error. What the fuck is that. Oh well it's sorta effective.
ELNINO 2.0:Great punter really effective and nice interface.
ERASER FINAL:Ok interface includes anti punter and nothing really special
ERROR FINAL:A ok 1 im punter with shitty anti punt.
ERROR TOOLS:Just another 1 im punter with very lil options.
FATAL ERROR:I'm not sure what the fuck this damn thing is. You open it and it plays its intro, while its playin its intro, it makes you go into a chat room and scroll i'm a fag.
FIRE PUNTER GOLD:WOW!!Hella tite ass punter. It has 35 methods, and excellent intro wav and intro pix. I recommend da download
FIRE STARTER PUNTER:Not that great a punter, it has enough options to be a full prog though.
FLYPAPER 1 IM PUNTER:Pretty good 1 im punter with a ok anti punter. Nothing really as too say.
FRAYED ENDS OF INSANITY:This is both a great anti and a fast ass punter. It has a nice reflection option.
FUBU PUNTER:A pretty coo punter, you can control the speed. It's got a bunch of methods. You need a pw though. I haven't used it in a while. i kno the second part of the pw is 9 and 9
FUEL PUNTER:It's got a lot of options. It says it has like 100 methods but it doesnt. It has a phisher, and some other shit.
FUSION 2.0:Really good punter gots really good options and many methods a big file though
GOLDBERG PUNTER:It doesnt quite live up to the name of goldberg, but its ok. The interface isnt great, but its pretty fast and has some good methods.
HAIL MARY:Cheap ass punter. It barely has some options.
HITCH HIKE PUNTER:Really cheap punter many options don't work
HOTICE 2.0:It's just an older version of hot ice 3
HOTICE 3.0:Old but pretty effective prog. It's pretty fast, but has some bugs in it. Sometimes it stops.
HUMMER X PUNTER:It's got three methods of punting, a mac/lag method, aim method, and ghost. It doesnt have a great interface, but i gave it its rating because of how well its aim punt worked.
I C P FINAL:It's got three punters in'd think that would kick ass. But its hella slow.
INDO LAG TOOLZ 2.3:never used
IOTA PUNTER:Never used this one.
JAI JEN:Here's an old one that used to be the best. But it aged.
KREPT TOOLS 2.0:Tite prog. It has many options with a pretty coo opening pic.
KRYPTON 1 IM PUNTER:A nice lil punter with a great interface. It also is pretty fast. This is also only *Labeled down as a Virus*
LEVITY PUNTER:Here's another plain and simple punter with seven methods. For such a small download it's packed with shit. It can go fast as hell, and is easy to use. I definitely recommend this download
LEXUS PUNTER:There's a string in here that can break through blunt'z its the freezer error. It's pretty cool
LICE TOOLS:A pretty good anti punter. with a few options.
Materia 1:25 punt method's, A good no BS interface, but is a little large for a punter.
MINI AIM PUNTER:Sweet aim punter made by outlaw.
MURDER X 3.6:It's got 40 methods even the wh0rd string!. So no need to download wh0rd when you got this.
NETPUNT:It doesn't exactly have the best interface in the world, but its fast as a mother fucker. I don't really understand it though. You have to be in a room to punt. But once you get it working, it's fast as hell
NEW AGE PUNTER:It works for both 3.0 and 4.0. It lags really well and is pretty fast.
OPTIK PUNTER 2.0:A very good punter. Plenty of methods and is pretty fast.
OREO 1.1:This shit got fuckin alkinds of fuckin options it's loaded
OUTLAW PUNTER 4.0:Phat ass punter with three kick ass strings. Nice interface . I definitely recommend the download.
OUTLAW PUNTER 4.0 ULTRA:If u liked Outlaw 4.0 u gonna love this. Da punter is much faster, and all da errors are fixed. Download Now!!!!!!
PIMP SLAP:This option is ok. It's just another punter.
PK PUNTER:A very old and outdated punter.
PUNT TOOLZ 3.0:This is an ok punter. It's got 20 methods.
QUIK KIK 3.1:Here's a regular punter with a one IM string. It's got a kick ass string, and can go fast as hell. It can go up to 20 IM's in 2-3 seconds, i'm not sure if thats actually how many it sends, but It's still a great punter. It looks like it has a lot of methods but they're all just the same string
SCREAM PUNTER:This punter sucks too it has a shitty interface
SEADOO 1 IM PUNTER 1.0:It's got a kick ass error string. It doesn't always work though. If you don't punt them off in 1 try, you'll most likely not punt them off at all with this.
SEADOO 1 IM PUNTER BETA 1:Just a updated version.
SEADOO FINAL 3.0:It has new 8 new methods but it has some errors. It also has a anti punt.
SHOCK PUNTER 2.0:Phat ass punter. It's got a phat interface, lots of methods and mad fast. You gotta download this.
SOCCER PUNTER 2.5:A very outdated and slow ass punter.
SOUTH PARK PUNTER (LEVITHAN):This punter sucks dick.
SOUTH PARK SHIT:very unique punter. It has many strings and pretty good wavs.
SPAWN PUNTER:Quite a few options but is kinda slow and outdated.
SPERM PUNTER:Kinda old punter. It has a weird ass name, BUT IT GETS DA JOB DONE.