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GoTta gIvE sUm mAdD sHoUtoUtTz Tah MaH pEepZ...!!

mUcH lUv tAh cHyNnA9780...tRu sLdRz...hDaNg83080...tJeNjEn12...dArCmOoN14...tUaNniTo...DrAgOnAm75...cAlIgIrL909...KaLibOyZz...AnD a mAdD wUdDuPp gOin oUtT tah mAh liL tHuG tHaI uP iN dA 559 mUch lUv fOo...!! wUdDuPp!!WuDduPp!! tAh mAh hOmEbOizZ aNd hoMeGrLz...aZn52LoTuS...hAvIkg...tHaNgDoVu...LoVeLeAzN...PnAyXoXo1...MiZtizOtJ... XDAdOpe1...FlIpBalLaH...xTcpLaYbOi...FuShIgIbOi...UrBoirOy...eSsk8R626...JiGga9o9x1...gUmBy787...!! aNd If i mIsSeD n/E oNe hOlLa @ MeEh...!!

tHiS sItE iSh pOwErEd bY

hEy pEePz WaSsuPp!!...eVeN tHOuGh mAh sItE lOoKz alL cRaPpIE aNd pLAIn rYte nOw...sIgN mAh gUesT bOoK n/EwAyZe...aNd cHeCK oUtT wUtEvahz oN dA pAGe....But eVeNtUalLy dIs paGe wIlL lOok bEtTAh aS i aDd mOrE sTuFf tAh it...sOh cHeCk iT oUtT oNcE iN a wHiLe aNd sEe hOw it iMpRoVes...!! iF yOo gOtT n/E tHoUghTz hItT mEeH uPp BeLoW...!!aIiGhT PeACeoUt...!!

dOnT fOrGeTt to sIgN mAh gUeStbOok bElOw...!!

sUp...cLIck on dA lInK and jOin aSiAN aVenuE!!

~SpEciAl tHoUghTs~

<--//a FrIeNd--<3

A friend ish lyke a flower
a rose to be exact,
Or maybe lyke a brand new gate
that never comez unlatched

A friend ish lyke an owl,
both beautiful and wise
Or perhaps a friend ish lyke a ghost,
whose spirit nevah dies.

A friend is lyke those blades of grass
you can nevah mow,
standing straight,talL,and proud
in a perfect liL row

A friend ish lyke a heart dat goes
strong untiL da end.
Where would we be in dis world
if we didn't have a friend.

<--//My FrIeNd--<3

my friend,
my companion,
through good tymes and baDd

my friend,
my buDdie,
through haPpy and sad,

besyde mEeh you stand,
besyde mEeh you walk,
you're there to listen,
you're there to talk,

with happiness,
with smyles,
with pain and tears,
i kno you'lL be there,throughout
da years...!!

MaIn pAGe 411 bOuT MeEh dA hOMeGrLz paGe

dA hOMeBoizZ paGe

aZnGrLz ImPoRT shOWoFf

aZnGrLz ImPorT sHoWofF 2