Chapter 2

“Hey baby, you look great!” AJ commented as I got in the front seat of his truck.

“Thanks so much, so you wanna go to the park now?” I asked

“Sure, I haven’t been to the park in ages!” AJ replied as he started his truck and pulled out of my driveway.

“Yeah me neither.” I said, we then drove in silence just listening to the radio for the rest of the 5 minute drive to the park. AJ parked and then we both got out and walked towards the park. AJ sat down on a swing and then I sat down on the one beside him. We sat on the swings for about 10 minutes. Then we walked around and played on other park equipment for the next 20 minutes. After that we were both kinda tired of the park. So we headed back to the parking lot and AJ drove to a restaurant. It was an Italian restaurant, I’d never been there before but he said he thought I would like it. I reminded him that he’s only known me for a few hours how can he think he’d know what restaurant I’d like? Well, in the end he turned out to be right. The restaurant was great, of course, AJ’s company made it a hundred times better! After we got seated at our table, we started off with small talk. Well by the time out entrees were served we were well into discussing serious and major issues! “So who’d you get those rings from?” AJ asked motioning to my hands. I had a silver ring with a fake diamond in the center of it on my right hand, middle finger and then I had a gold ring with very small diamonds and sapphires in it on my left hand.

“Well I got the left hand one from my father when I was 12. And I got the right hand one from an ex-boyfriend.”

“Oh yeah, tell me about him?” AJ asked

“Alright, If you want to know, he’s name was Greg, and he was the guy I’d had a crush on since I was 13, well finally in 12 grade, when I was 17, we started dating. I was with him for a year and a half. He gave me the ring on our one year anniversary.” I explained

“I see, so did you think he was the ‘one’?” AJ asked seriously

“Umm.. there were moments in the beginning when yeah I thought this is the guy I’m going to marry but I think I was so caught up in the fact that I was dating this guy I had admired and had a crush on for years, that kinda blinded me to his faults. But now that our relationship is over I know he wasn’t the one. So have you ever had anyone that you thought was the one?” I asked

“Yeah, well it was really different see I was with this girl on and off for 3 years right, so at first she was any other girl, no big deal, but when we first broke up I really really missed her and I totally forgot any of the reasons why we broke up in the first place, so when we got back together I totally adored her and I thought this is the woman I want to marry and I want to marry her like tomorrow! But of course the longer I was with her I would start to see her faults and our incompatibilities, so we’d break up and then get back together, it was like this vicious cycle so eventually I just thought I can’t do this anymore I need to be alone for a while and I need to be away from her. So that’s how it ended. So do you think your ready to get married, do you want kids?” AJ asks

“Yeah, I want to get married and I definitely want kids or a kid, it’s something that is so important to me, how about you?”

“Yep, I also want to get married some day and I want kids.” AJ replied

We finished our meals and talked about a variety of other topics that night. I got home at 11, seeing as I had been up since 5 I was pretty tired. AJ and I hugged goodbye, it was very sweet. It felt so nice to be in his arms and his cologne smelled wonderful, it was very faint. We made plans to meet the next day. For the next 4 months we saw each other and went out practically 5 days a week. Our relationship was going great. I could see myself with him, like forever. But I didn’t want to overestimate our relationship or ruin it. So I kept that to myself for a while. We’d started sleeping together after our third month together. It just felt right. It was wonderful making love with him, he could be so sweet, gentle and romantic and then wild and crazy. I absolutely adored every moment with him. One night we were lying in bed together, at my place, as I lived alone.

“You awake?” He asked me groggily

“Yeah” I replied

“Umm.. I don’t know how to say this so I’ll just say it, don’t get me wrong cause I totally love you and the sex we have now, trust me I love it! But I was wondering if you would ever be interested in trying something.. ah... different?” he asked reluctantly.

“What do you mean different? And you know you can talk to me about anything right, like you should feel weird bringing up any topic.” I replied

“Yeah, thanks for that, O.K. I mean like kinky sex.... handcuffs, whip cream, ice cubes and a lot more adventurous stuff, would any of that interest you? Cause you don’t have to say yes, I’d totally respect you if you said you didn’t want to try it.” AJ spoke cautiously, I could totally tell he was excited by the idea of me saying yes to this yet he was also nervous about my reaction.

“O.K.” I replied

“O.K. that’s it? Do you actually want to do it or are you just saying that for my benefit?” AJ asked

“No I want to do it, you’ve done it before right?” I asked him

“Yeah” He answered

“What was it like? I mean was it weird, did you like it, did she like it?” I asked

“Umm... yeah it was weird at first, I liked it, a lot, but she didn’t like it as much” He replied

“I see, did any of it hurt?”

“Yeah, I guess some of it hurt a little, but not much, are you scared?” He asked

“Yes, I am, but I’m also excited and turned on by the idea, honestly, I’ve thought for a long time about trying stuff like that, but I never found someone who I trusted enough to do it with.” I answered.

“Wow, I’m impressed by your attitude, O.K. tomorrow night, baby, will try the tying up thing?” he asked

“Alright” I replied> He looked at me, kissed me passionately and then we both rolled over to go to sleep.

The Next Night

I got home from work at 10:30, AJ was already home. I walked into my house, (AJ practically lived there now!) to find the lights were dimmed, there was a candle burning on the kitchen table. Beside it was a note that read: I’m waiting for you in the bedroom. Then AJ had signed his name. I took off my shoes and dropped my bag on the counter then proceeded to walk to the bedroom. There I found over 20 candles burning in the room. No lights were on. The candles cast an eerie yet romantic glow. The bed was covered in rose petals, and then AJ who was lying on the bed got up and gave me a rose. He held me for a moment. I just let my body melt into his. I never ever get tired of being in his arms.

“How was your day baby?” He whispered into my ear

“It was O.K., how was yours?” I asked him

“It was great but now it’s even better that your here.” He replied. He kissed me, then we just made out on the bed for 20 minutes, eventually he stared taking off my clothes, and I took off his. We stood naked in front of one another for a moment admiring each other’s bodies.

“So you ready for this honey?” AJ asked as he stroked my face and hair

“Yeah, I guess so.” I replied

“You sure?” He asked

“Yeah, I am, thanks!” I replied. AJ took out two long silk scarves from the top dresser drawer. He guided me to the bed, I lay down in the center. He kneeled beside me and tied my right hand to the headboard, then he tied the other hand.

“I can’t believe I’m letting you do this” I gasped

“Trust me baby, You’ll like it and if you don’t just say so and we’ll stop” He replied, he made everything so simple. He kissed me lips and then moved he’s way down to my center. When he got there he stopped. I moaned slightly, disappointed he had stopped. My senses were heightened due to my fear, so even though I was scared every single time he touched me, I was in heaven! AJ walked to the bathroom and returned with a metal bowl, covered by a towel. He then walked over to my face. He gently tied a scarf around my face so that it covered my eyes and I couldn’t see.

“Oh god, I didn’t know this was part of it” I spoke, my voice was uneven.

“Trust me?” He asked

“Yes” I replied

“Then you know you’ll be O.K.” He replied simply. He then walked over to me again, gently applying something cold to my left breast. It was an ice cube. I shivered slightly, he slowly dragged the ice cube across my breasts, down my belly and then towards my center. He stopped for a second then quickly slipped the ice cube inside me.

“Fuck” I swore under my breath, it was uncomfortable for a few seconds, then as it melted it just felt weird and cold, yet interesting. Next he sprayed whip cream all over me. Afterwards he licked every little bit off. Next he gave me head. Before I had fully recovered from my orgasm he thrust himself into me. I can’t explain the pleasure I received. My senses were so heightened and so acute that every little touch practically made me cum! After it was over he was lying beside me, we were both trying to catch our breath. Eventually he spoke first, while untying my hands and the blindfold.

“Did you like that baby?” He asked

“Yeah, god, yeah!” I smiled

That was just first of our kinky sex experimentations! There were many more nights after that. We took turns taking each other to new levels of ectasy. The new intimacy and trust we kept gaining in and with each other was incredible. Just when I felt I could not trust, love or be more intimate with anyone, AJ would just floor me and I’d feel closer to him than I ever thought imaginable!

* If your lost and you look you will find me time after time and if you fall I will catch you, time after time. *

Chapter 3
