Chapter 5

The next day I got up, showered, dressed and then went to school. I thought there was no point in just moping around the house, I needed to live my life. Yet when the day was over I really I was only existing, I wasn’t really living. I wasn’t at all happy. I have always been thankful for AJ’s presence in my life but you never really fully appreciate someone or something until it’s gone. I felt such a void deep inside me, it was incredible. I never thought one man could have such an impact on my life. As the weeks past I realized that I would take AJ back. What he did disgusted me, but I knew I couldn’t live my life happily without at least giving him another chance.

*If your lost, you can look and you will find me, time after time, and if you fall I will catch you, I’ll be waiting, time after time*

Eventually AJ came home. After a lot of late nights, coffee and talking we finally resolved our differences. The first time we made love after the ‘incident’ I couldn’t help but think of the ‘other’ woman he had fucked. Did he touch her like he touched me, did he moan her name, just like he was moaning mine? But after a while I learn to block it from my memory and life went on. And as life went on my pregnancy progressed further and by belly got bigger! I was happy to be pregnant I couldn’t want until we had our baby in our arms. We found out through an ultrasound that the baby was going to be a girl. After a lot of discussion we decided to name her Kimberly Grace Mclean. AJ went back on tour around the US and Canada for 2 months after having a 2 month break. By this time we had completely resolved our differences and were more in love with each than we ever dreamed possible. AJ was fabulous with me being pregnant, he kept wanting to do everything for me. By now I had finished out the first term of the school year and had decided to take the next term off. I only had one term left to finish my degree, so I figured I could go back and take it later. As my pregnancy progressed I had cut down on my shifts at work, to the point where now I was in my ninth month, so I stopped working altogether. AJ got back from the tour just in time. The day after he got back I had to go to my weekly doctor’s appointment, now that I was in my ninth month I went to the doctor every week just to make sure everything was all right.

“Hey Becca, how have you been? I’m sure your glad AJ’s home now?” My doctor, doctor Kearn asked

“Yeah I am, I’ve been doing pretty good, although I’m looking forward to not being pregnant soon, I get tired easily now.” I told him

“Yeah, that’s to be expected, well your due in approx. a week so it’s not long now, I’m just going to check the position of the baby and then do an internal exam to see if you have dilated at all.Then I wanted to discuss with you how you would like your birth to go” He added. AJ sat in a chair beside me, holding my hand, as I was laying on the examining table.

“Ohh” I gasped at the doctor sticking his fingers inside me to check my cervix

“You O.K.?” AJ asked

“Yeah, I’m fine thanks” I replied

“Do you find that your belly and vagina are a lot more sensitive now than they are normally?” Dr. Kearn asked

“Yeah, actually I do” I replied

“O.K., well that’s normal, it’s due to the extra hormones being released into your blood, it just makes the internal exam's a little more uncomfortable now, but it will go away after you have the baby.” He explained

“O.K., that’s interesting” I added

“Yeah, so about the delivery, did either of you have any specific things you wanted to have or not have? Do you want drugs for the pain? Do you want to labor the entire time in hospital or did you want to labor partly at home?” The Dr. asked

“Umm.... I’m slightly indifferent about the drugs, I would like to try laboring for a while without pain medication just to see what it’s like and then if and when it gets to intense, I'll take the drugs, and if possible I’d like to labor at home for the beginning, do you have anything to add AJ?” I answered

“Ah, no I don’t think so, it’s you doing all the work so I think it’s your decision” He added

“O.K., that sounds like a plan, now you can stay at home laboring until your contractions are approx. 5 minutes away then you should definitely come in or of course you can come in sooner if your uncomfortable at home or you want drugs or reassurance, anything at all and if you ever have any questions just phone me or if I’m not around then phone the hospital, O.K.?” Dr. Kearn explained

“Sounds good” AJ answered

‘Yeah, thank you very much, so we’ll see you soon” I replied as I got up and hobbled off the table. We said our good-byes and then the doctor, I got dressed and we left. Now it was just a matter of a few short days before we had our baby in our arms!

“Owwwww... Oh God AJ, help me! This hurts so much, please help me” I cried, curling up on the bed. AJ came over and rubbed my back. “It’ll be O.K., baby, just take deep breaths, it’ll be over before you know it” AJ tried to soothe me. It was 6 pm I had been in labor for the last 13 hours. I had tired every position I could think of to ease the contraction pain but nothing helped significantly. For the next contraction I laid down on the bed with my legs spread, AJ applied hot towels to my perineum and vagina to try and ease some of the pain and to help prevent tearing when the baby crowned. After another hour of intense contractions, they were finally five minutes apart. AJ and I headed to the hospital. The receptionist told us to head to the fifth floor. We had been riding in the elevator for about half a minute, I was moaning as another contraction hit me, when all of a sudden the elevator stopped.#

“What the fuck?” AJ questioned. He started pressing some buttons but the elevator still didn’t move. Eventually he pressed the intercom button.

“Hello?” The voice over the intercom greeted us

“Hey, the elevator’s stuck and my wife is in labor, can you please help us” AJ begged, getting nervous now.

“Well we’re calling the repair crew now, but they need to get some extra parts to fix the elevator so it’s going to be a few hours, just sit tight” The guy explained

“Sit tight? Sit tight? My wife is going to give birth in a fucking elevator and your telling us to sit tight?” AJ was angry and worried now

“Hold on I’ll get a doctor, who’s her Dr.?” He asked

“Dr. Kearn” AJ answered

“AJ, I’m scared, I can’t give birth in an elevator! And this hurts so much, what if something goes wrong, they need to get us out of here” I cried

“Don’t worry baby, they will, just hand in there, everything’s going to be fine” AJ was doing his best to comfort me.

“O.K. AJ, this is Dr. Kearn here, I need you to get Becca to lie down and then spread her legs, with her knees as far apart as possible.” Dr. Kearn instructed. AJ eased me to the ground, the position was very uncomfortable.

“O.K. Becca I’m going to give AJ some instructions and you follow them” The Dr. explained

“O.K., we need to know how far along she is, so AJ I want you to insert your hand into her vagina and tell me if you can feel the baby’s head O.K.,. and with your other hand press down on her belly to see if you can feel the head from there, now this going to hurt Becca, but we need to know how far along you are” Dr. Kearn explained. AJ followed the Dr.’s instructions.

“Ow, Ow, OWW, stop, it hurts, ahh, oh god here comes another contraction, please stop, OW, it hurts” I screamed.

“Don’t stop AJ, can you feel the baby’s head?” He asked

“Yeah, now what?” AJ asked

“O.K Becca it’s time to push, I want you to take a deep breath, let it out, then take another deep breath and bear down and push as hard as you can, the harder you push the faster this will all be over, now AJ after she pushes for a while you will start to be able to see the baby’s head now I want you to place your open palm on the baby’s head and don’t let it come out too fast. SO once you can see the baby’s head put your hand there to hold it in and let it come out really slowly and then tell Becca to pant, like she’s blowing out birthday candles, so no matter how push Becca screams don’t let the baby come out to fast or Becca will tear, O.K?” Dr. Kearn explained

“O.K, Becs push, push harder, as hard as you can, keep going your doing so will, I know it hurts put keep pushing, harder, harder, that’s it” AJ encouraged me. An exhausting hour later AJ could see the baby’s head. “O.K, now pant Becs, I know it hurts like hell but pant baby, don’t push, it’ll just be a little longer” AJ said

“I can’t do this AJ please, let me push it hurts so bad, please help me, I need to push, oh god, it feels like I’m tearing in half, AHH” I screamed and then panted. 15 intensely painful minutes later the baby crowned, I felt this unbearable burning and stinging sensation, the pain was so intense I thought I would pass out. Just then the baby emerged, I felt so much relief. AJ placed the baby on my chest, the second I saw our daughter, Kimberly, the pain seemed worth it. Even though my vagina was still throbbing, I could barely feel it. I was overjoyed and exhausted. Kimberly and I were checked into the hospital, examined and released a day later, both of us were fine. Dr. Kearn told me I’d be very sore for the next week or two, but eventually things would return to normal. We were now all a family, Kimberly, AJ and I. I am looking forward to every second together with them!

*If your lost, you can look and you will find me, time after time, and if you fall I will catch you, I’ll be waiting, time after time*

# The idea of Becca giving birth in an elevator was suggested by Ashley - thank you very much for that, and to Kelli - Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments in the guestbook!

Chapter 6
