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ASCIIs by S-v

 |--|ASCII|>--  Valery S-v, ASCII-addict 

_handmade ascii_

           _          _          _          _
          //|\       //|\       //|\       //|\
          c_"/       c_"/       c_"/       c_"/
         __/\__       /\__       /\         /\
          /  \       /\ \       /\/\       /\/\
         /____\     /____\     /____\     /____\
   S-v     /l         ll         l\         ll

 | ascii1.html    16Kb    19oct99  |
 |                                 |
 | ascii2.html    19Kb    9nov99   |


b & w

Many thanks to llizard for the Javascript template (anims 1-6)

Note: MS IE 3.0 uses proportional fonts in Javascript windows, and does not show the following animations properly.

                                               ,--._  /_ `\
                                             /(_) O \   >  |
   +-----------------------------+           \__ o   )_/  /
   |    soldier          2Kb     |            / `\ _/    /
   |    clown            3Kb     |          /`          |
   |    caterpillar      4Kb     |          \  |__   /| /   
   |    someone          9Kb     |           \    `-' | | 
   |    cat and gnat     4Kb     |            `---.__/  \      
   |    nonlinear map  pls wait! |             /   _    | 
   |    cellular automat 3Kb     |            /   / \  /
   +-----------------------------+            \  |   \ |
                                               | |   |/
                                                \,        S-v


Many thanks to CJRandall, miK and Meph for the Javascript coding ('soldier' 1&2)
Thanks to Altan for the original (gif) Javascript ('snow')
Thanks to Joan Stark for the snowflake pic ('snow')
 |   soldier       6Kb     (frames)                               |
 |   soldier       12Kb    (pop-up; design and content            |
 |                         are taken from the CJRandall's page)   |
 |   snow          6Kb     (layers; a browser 4+ is a must)       |

_ascii2jpg_ (derivatives)

   |  gone                     41Kb  |
   |  drunken girl relaxing    16Kb  | 
   |  couple                   27Kb  |
                            | \
                           /   \
      /-.                 |     \
     /   \                |     | 
     |   |     ._        /      /
     |    \_,./   `-.__./       |
     \                          /
      \                         |
       |       ,-.               .
        \     /   |               \
         \.__/     \               |
                    |               \
                   /                  \
                  /                    \
             _,--'            ,--.     |
           _/     , --.      /    \     \
       .--"      /     |      \    \    |
      /          |     \  o  _ \    |   |
     / / /   _    \     `-o_| )_|    \  |
      / /  /` `-.  \                 |  |
     | /  /      \  |               /  / 
      |_/`        `-`             _/   |
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                  /    `.         /  /\ | \|
                 /      /         | / |_/
                /      /          -'
                |     /
                 .   /
                / /"" 
S-v            / /


Butterlflies as Meph's 'hints'; MS Internet Explorer 4+ is a must (1 Kb)


ASCII-art newsgroups: alt.ascii-art, alt.ascii-art.animation

list of links to ASCII-art websites maintained by Joan Stark (the biggest list)

my e-mail:

                 ,o(_/)   /|
               ///// /___/ |
              ////     ___/
             //        \
           /         /-'
          /  ,      /
         (   |      |
          \   \     |
          )   |    |
         /   / \  /
         (  /  | /
          \/   (/    S-v

This ASCII ART WEBRING site is owned by Valery Silivanov.
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