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~Soap Making Information~

by Beautiful Bubbles Soap Company


Have you ever wondered how soap is made and what is in it?

Well we did and the answer to our questions is what inspired us to try and perfect our own soap. Commercial soap is technically not even soap but a detergent. Soap is made by combining sodium hydroxide and either animal or vegetable fats. This is a very precise process (called saponification) that requires incredibly accurate measurements and huge amounts of patience. Commercial soap contains petroleum distillates instead of fats and oils. The fats and oils that we use all have specific properties that we are looking for. Some exotic oils and butters like hemp seed oil and sheanut butter or cocoa butter are incredibly emollient and make some of the best soaps. Cold processed soap is very time consuming to make as it is required to sit and cure for 3-6 weeks. Once our soap is fully cured then it is time to prepare it. We dont just slap on a label and call it quits for the day. Now comes the time consuming task of going through every bar of soap and shaving down the sides so there are no sharp corners and then it is time for the soap to take a bath. Once all this is done the soap is left to air for more time and isnt actually wrapped until an order is placed.


What is glycerin and why is it important?

Glycerin is the bi-product of the soap making process. In commercial soap salt is added to seperate the glycerin from the soap. Once the two have seperated the glycerin is then bottled and sold. In our soap all the glycerin is retained, therefore creating a soothing and silky feel to your skin. Many people have been confused by advertising and believe transparent soap is glycerin soap. Transparent soap contains glycerin and so does opaque soaps. Transparent soap is basically regular soap that goes through a process where alcohol is added and cooked off thus making the soap transparent. Alot of times soapers have to add extra glycerin to transparent soap as some people believe the process of making the soap transparent boils off glycerin.


Wonder how we create all those beautiful colors and incredible fragrances?

For the visual effect we color our soap with natural pigments and/or spices. Natural pigments are simply very finely ground rocks. These are the same pigments potters use in their paint. Some spices, when added to soap, impart their color and texture for a totally natural way of achieving the desired effect. For our fragrances we searched high and low to get just that perfect aroma for our soaps. We are forever getting new fragrances so feel free to ask for a special scent if you don't see it.

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©1999 Beautiful Bubbles Soap Company
last updated Nov.21, 1999