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I Regretted Being a Moslem.

One day, I was going to a friend and met a certain man... he asked my name and my religion. The moment I mentioned moslem, he said, "Why?" He then accompanied me to where I was going while he was preaching the gospel to me. He gave me some booklets to read. They were: (a) THE DECEIVED, (b) THE VISITORS, and (c) THE STORY TELLER...

One Saturday I took THE DECEIVED and after I read it, I regretted being a moslem. I quickly rushed to my brother to show it to him.

The most serious part I read says Mohammed Quarash family has a god called Allah which means that idol Allah is the one we are worshipping. Immediately, I said to myself, I can never bow for an idol and if it is true, then I shall not pray again... rather convert to Christianity. My soul is more important than my flesh, so I shall convert for my soul to be saved by our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sir, I would be glad if you will send me a booklet entitled THE PROPHET. I need your prayers seriously because I have not told my husband and he is difficult. I don't know how to approach him and tell him. I know he will decide to divorce me because I wanted to be Christian but I don't care even though I love him so much. My soul first and not the flesh.

(name withheld)

Editor: This precious woman faces the possibility of paying a higher price for her Saviour than most of us ever will. Please pray sincerely for her. Our God is big enough to touch her husband's heart, also!

Excerpted from Battle Cry, 1993.


Children's Book Shows Allah is Not the God of the Bible

Is the Muslim Allah the God of the Bible? Dr. Robert Morey, author of The Islamic Invasion says, "Allah is merely a revamped and magnified Arabian pagan moon deity."

Morey cites a book available in the children's section of most city libraries as evidence of this. Fabled Cities, Princes & Jinn from Arab Myths and Legends by Khairat Al-Saleh refers to Allah as a god who had three daughters.

"As well as worshipping idols and the spirits found in animals, plants, rocks and water, the ancient Arabs believed in several major gods and goddesses whom they considered to hold supreme power over all earthly things.

The most famous of these were Al-lat, Al-Uzza, Manat and Hubal.

The first three were thought to be the daughters of Allah (God) and their intercessions on behalf of their worshippers were therefore of great significance."

Hubal sounds familiar to Bible students for he was none other than the pagan god Baal or Tammuz of the Old Testament.

Al-lat was worshipped in the shape of a white stone; Manat as a black stone; and Al-Uzza "was a cruel goddess who could be appeased only by the shedding of blood, both human and animal."

Obviously, this is not the kind of company kept by the holy, jealous Jehovah of the Bible.

Another daughter of Allah was the morning and evening star called Al-Zuhara. She was also known as the "queen of heaven" and presided over "all matters related to love."

She was portrayed in legends as a promiscuous seductress symbolizing dancing and frivolity.

Dr. Morey points out in his book The Islamic Invasion that "Western people have a difficult time comprehending Islam because they fail to understand that it is a form of cultural imperialism in which the religion and culture of seventh-century Arabia have been raised to the status of divine law."

Al-Saleh verifies this by describing the rites and pilgrimages of the pagan Arabs.

"The annual pilgrimage to Mecca was the greatest religious festival of the pagan Arabs... Once arrived in Mecca, the ceremonies started with a ritual walk around the Sacred House followed by a walk to Arafa, the holiest of the sacred hills of Mecca."

After sacrificing animals, pouring the blood over the idols and eating the flesh, they cut or shaved their hair and prepared to leave the city.

These same basic rituals, minus the idol worship, are part of modern Islam.

Archaeologists Confirm Allah was an Arabian Moon-God

Was "Allah" the biblical God or a pagan, pre-Islamic Arabian deity? This pivotal question is clearly answered in a new booklet by Dr. Robert Morey called The Moon-god Allah.

"We can endlessly speculate about the past or go and dig it up and see what the evidence reveals. As we shall see, the hard evidence demonstrates that the god Allah was a pagan deity," writes Morey.

Archaeologists have found temples to this Moon-god from the mountains of Turkey to the banks of the Nile.

Worship of the Moon-god was the most wide-spread religion of the ancient world and his symbol was the crescent moon.

This symbol of the crescent moon is everywhere in the ancient world. It can be found on seal impressions, steles, pottery, amulets, clay tablets, cylinders, weights, earings, necklaces, wall murals and on idols.

Morey states that "archeological evidence demonstrates that the dominant religion of Arabia was the cult of the Moon-god.

"According to numerous inscriptions, while the name of the Moon-god was Sin, his title was al-ilah, i.e., 'the deity,' meaning that he was the chief or high god among the gods. Al-ilah was shortened to Allah in pre-Islamic times.

"The pagan Arabs even used Allah in the names they gave to their children. For example, both Muhammad's father and uncle had Allah as part of their names.

The fact that they were given such names by their pagan parents proves that Allah was the title for the Moon-god even in Muhammad's day. "When the popularity of the Moon-god waned elsewhere, the Arabs remained true to their conviction that the Moon-god was the greatest of all gods.

"While they worshipped 360 gods at the Kabah in Mecca, the Moon-god was the chief deity. Mecca was, in fact, built as a shrine for the Moon-god. This is what made it the most sacred site of Arabian paganism."

Muslims do not believe that the symbols, traditions and rituals that they follow today come from a pre-Islamic Arabian pagan deity. If they did they would have to re-evaluate their beliefs.

This booklet is a tool that can be used by the soulwinner to help the honest Muslim see that Allah was only the Moon-god of pre-Islamic Arabia.

Muslim Pilgrims Make Annual Pilgrimage to Mecca to Kiss the Black Stone and Throw Rocks at the Devil

More than two million Muslim pilgrims gathered in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in late April to celebrate the Feast of Sacrifice, when Abraham was supposed to have been ready to sacrifice Ishmael. The pilgrimage is also known as hajj.

It is the duty of every able-bodied Muslim to make one hajj, or pilgrimage to the Kaaba in Mecca during his lifetime.

The Kaaba is a stone structure, supposedly built by Abraham, which is considered the house of God in Mecca's Grand Mosque. It houses the sacred black stone which was worshipped by pagan Arabs before Muhammad started the religion of Islam.

Before Muhammad was born, the Kaaba housed several hundred idols worshipped by the traders which traveled through the Middle East.

From this assortment of stone gods, Muhammad selected one of the higher deities, a moon god named al-ilah, and declared that he alone should be worshipped.

Muhammad also chose to incorporate many other Arab superstitions into Islam such as sacrificing animals, throwing stones at the devil, fasting for a month beginning and ending with the appearance of a crescent moon, and kissing the black stone.

Today, these are still practiced by Muslims during the Feast of Sacrifice and the hajj. Dr. Robert Morey, in his booklet The Moon-God Allah concludes: "Islam is nothing more than a revival of the ancient Moon-god cult. It has taken the symbols, the rites, the ceremonies, and even the name of its god from the ancient pagan religion of the Moon-god."

Today's ecumenical leaders are pushing for unity with Islam on the concept that Jehovah and Allah are the same God. Morey has proven from archeology that Allah, the moon-god idol, cannot be the Biblical Jehovah.

In his other book, Islamic Invasion, Morey points out the differences. The Bible describes Jehovah as a Spirit who we can know personally. The Koran says that Allah is an unknowable non-spirit who would not lower himself to any personal contact with man.

Jehovah is a trustworthy, loving God who takes an active part in history. Allah is transcendent (otherworldly) with no feeling toward man. Indeed, for Allah to become a man as Jesus did, is blasphemous to a Muslim.

"Lastly," Morey points out, "the Bible speaks much of the grace of God in providing a free salvation for man through a Saviour who acts as an intercessor between God and man (I Timothy 2:5). Yet in the Koran there is no concept of the grace of Allah. There is no saviour or intercessor according to the Koran.

"In conclusion," says Morey, "when you examine the attributes of the God who has revealed Himself in the Bible to the Allah who is described in the Koran, they are not one and the same God."

Muslim learns truth about Muhammad

I am a Muslim by birth and I have a friend who is a Christian. He likes me so much that he gave me some of your books to read. When I read them I was afraid, especially The Prophet. When I read that Muhammad was not sent by God to be a prophet, I gave my life to Jesus!
--S.A., Ogun State, Nigeria


Muslims Try to be Good Enough for Paradise

Islam's Ramadan is the ninth month in a lunar calendar of a 354-day year. The beginning of the month is marked by the appearing of the new moon.

Elaborate measures are taken to identify to the second when the month begins and ends. This is necessary because of the severe consequences of violating the fast. Islamic tradition goes to great lengths to define fasting. Since the fasting period is from sunrise to sunset, one must be sure the upper circle of the orb of the sun has completely disappeared before eating or drinking.

During the day one can rinse the mouth with water provided care is taken that none goes down the throat. If an insect is inhaled and swallowed, the fast is broken and one must add one more day to the month of fasting. Medicine placed on a skin sore must not be allowed to penetrate the flesh or the fast is broken and no medicine may be placed in the ear or other body orifices. Minor violations of the fast only carry a penalty of an additional day of fasting. More serious ones require a 60-day additional fast.

But diligently observing Ramadan carries major benefits. During Ramadan angels pray day and night so that those who fast will be forgiven for their sins. They believe that Allah forgives all their sins if they complete the month-long fast and celebrate at the end with a large prayer meeting and feasting. Also, those who fast are allotted a place in Paradise where one of the main attractions is abundant wine and women.


Jesus' Own Claim to be the Son of God Brings Muslim to Christ

You love Muslim people, and you want to witness to them. But when you talk to them about Jesus, they say, "Jesus was not God's Son! He was just another one of the prophets." In fact, they are likely to challenge you with the question: "Where did Jesus ever claim to be God's Son?"

The question is vital, because they are taught that Jesus was a prophet of God, and that prophets do not lie. Where did Jesus Himself make the claim to be God's Son?

The answer is right there, in God's preserved words. Don't try to use a corrupt modern version, it will let you down.

In John 10:36, Jesus said, "Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?"

Obviously, Jesus was being accused of blasphemy for claiming to be God's Son. Where did He say it? In the previous chapter, John 9:35-38, where Jesus had just healed the man born blind, and the Pharisees cast the healed man out of the synagogue.

"Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when he had found him, he said unto him, Dost thou believe on the Son of God? He answered and said, Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him? And Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, and it is he that talketh with thee. And he said, Lord, I believe. And he worshipped him."

Ask your Muslim friend, "Only God can receive worship, right?" When he says yes, reply "Then Jesus clearly claimed to be God. Only as God could Jesus, who cannot lie, receive worship."

These simple, straightforward Scriptures convinced a very good Muslim friend of mine. He is now a Christian, and going to heaven. May God give you success as you witness to your Muslim friends.


All the material on this page was excerpted from the Battle Cry newsletter, published by Chick Publications.

To read what the Hadith says about Muhammad, click here.

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Light of Life: Investigate Islam from a Christian point of view!

Answering Islam

Who is Allah in Islam?

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