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Katrina's African Adventures

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This website was created from my adventures while working in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire as an intern for a local NGO called AUDE. You can visit the website I set up for them by following the link at the bottom of this page.

It was quite an experience working in Africa, although I can't say that the city is all that different from anywhere else. Read my anecdote page to learn more about living and working in Africa. I did a bit of travelling before returning to Canada to my cat(I now have 2), family and friends.

I have added anecdotes of some of my adventures that you can check out here, the rest you are going to have to mail me and ask.

Read about my trip to Yamoussoukro and Bouaké.

Part two of african adventures took me to Jacqueville.

I finally got a chance to travel outside Côte d'Ivoire to Burkina Faso. Check it out!:)

I loved it so much I went back to Burkina just before coming home on my way home from Mali. Don't worry, I will add some stories later (like after Christmas maybe) about my last trip.

I had many obstacles getting my African photos up. Marie José had sent some copies of her photos to Hue Chau, but they never made it, nor did the ones she sent to Abidjan for me, so alas, I never got any up before coming home. They are finally here now however, so check them out!
Photos from Abidjan
Photos from Cote d'Ivoire outside Abidjan .
Pictures from Burkina.
And the last one is finally done, Photos from Mali.

For now take a look around and sign my guestbook to tell me what you think. Feel free to visit my and add your link!

NEW! Looking for something to read? Visit Kat's Library and take a look at some of my book recommendations.:) Or, if you are looking for a particular book, click the Chapters button below, and you can find anything you want!:)

A big thank you to the 434 people who responded to my last quiz "If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go?". It's really interesting to me to see the different areas of the world people are interested in. The final results of the 434 people were as follows:

5% North America
5% South America
29% Europe
12% Asia
7% Oceania
42% Africa
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When you are done checking out my site, either follow one of my links to my friends' pages, or go surfing on one of my webrings!

Thanks for stopping by and come back soon!

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Katrina's African Adventures

My Home Photo Album
AUDE- a local NGO in Cote d'Ivoire
Hue Chau's Homepage
Mike and Kristi-Anna's Homepage
Lorenz's Home Page
African Links
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