Police Quest 1 (EGA): In Pursuit of the Death Angel The following is a walkthrough for Police Quest 1 and will give you all 245 points when you win. When you are to type something in, do not include the quotation marks. Lytton Police Station As we begin the game, Officer Sonny Bonds is standing in the Lytton Police Station. Walk to the table in the hallway and type "Get Radio". Total Points: 2. Walk to the key board on the left wall and type "Get Keys". Total Points: 3. Walk to the locker room on the bottom right of screen, then to your locker on the bottom right and type "Open Locker". Total Points: 4. Type "Get Gun", "Get Ammo", "Get Briefcase". Total Points: 7 Type "Open Briefcase", "Get All", and "Close Briefcase". Total Points: 11. Type "Close Locker" and exit the room. Walk to the briefing room on the top right of the screen, then to the newspaper on the table and type "Read Paper" and "Put Down Paper". Total Points: 16. By now the other officers will enter the room and you must find your place. Walk to the upper right table, on the left desk, and face the chalkboard. Total Points: 20. Pay attention to the briefing. Total Points: 24. After it is over, type "Write Notes" and any information you think you’ll need later. To check out what you’ve written down at anytime, type "Look Notes". Total Points: 25. Walk to the boxes on the right wall and type "Look Box" until you find yours. Total Points: 27. Exit the room and walk two more screens to the left until you leave the station. Walk to the patrol car on the bottom left and walk completely around it. Total Points: 32. Enter your patrol car by walking to the driver’s car door, type "Open Door", "Enter Car", "Close Door". Once in the car type "Get Nightstick". Total Points: 35. The Car Accident Type "Drive". This might be a good time to save. If everything is going too fast, it may be a good idea to slow the game down. Watch out for red lights at all times and be sure you stop the car. Drive around until the dispatcher tells you about an acciden Exit your patrol car by typing "Open Door", "Exit Car", and "Close Door". Walk to the driver of the smashed car, type "Look Man", "Help Man", and "Use Radio". Walk to the crowd, type "Talk Man" twice, and "Use Radio". Wait around for the big boys show up The 11-98 with Steve Enter your car and drive around until Steve wants to meet you at Carol’s Caffeine Castle on Map A3. Carefully drive the car, park next to Steve’s car and press F4. Total Points: 46. Exit your car, walk into the Castle, then to the bottom left table, type "Sit Down", and "Talk to Steve". Wait for Carol to bring you some coffee and type "Drink Coffee". Soon the phone will ring and it’s for you. Type "Stand", walk to the telephone, and Walk back to the table, type "Sit Down", and "Talk to Steve". When Steve (the great conversationalist that he is) tells you it’s time to get back to business, type "Stand", return to your car, and drive. Wasn’t that fun? Helen Hots This might be a good time to save. Drive around until a red car fails to stop at a stop light. Press F10 and be careful when driving around now. It may be a good time to slow the game down. When she pulls over, press F4. Total Points: 52. Exit your car and type "Use Radio". Total Points: 53. Walk to the girl, type "Look Girl", "Talk Girl", "Sonny", "Red Light", "No", "Write Ticket", "Return License", "Sign Ticket", and "Give Ticket". Total Points: 60. Wino Willy’s Return to your car and drive around until the dispatcher tells you about a complaint at Carol’s Caffeine Castle on Map A3. Once again, carefully park and press F4. Exit your car, walk into the Castle, then to the counter, and type "Talk Carol". Total P Leave the Castle and enter Wino Willy’s next door. This might be a good time to save or slow the game down. Walk to the man at the bar and type "Move Bikes". After you automatically stand next to him, type "Use Nightstick" or press F10. Total Points: 6 Walk to the girl at the bar, type "Talk Girl" and "Drugs". Remember what she tells you. Total Points: 71. The Drunk Driver Return to your car and drive around until you see an obvious drunk driver in a pink car. Press F10 and when he pulls over, press F4. Total Points: 74. Exit your car and type "Use Radio". Total Points: 75. Walk to the man, type "Look Man", "Talk Man", "Get License", "Get Out". Walk to the side of the door so he can get out, type "Smell Man", and "Give Test". Total Points: 78. Type "Handcuff Man", "No", "Search Man", and "Follow Me". Total Points: 81. Walk to the rear door of your patrol car and type "Open Door". Move so that he can enter, type "Close Door" and "Radio Tow Truck". Enter your car, drive to the jail on Map D3, park and press F4. Exit your car, walk to the rear door, and type "Open Door". Walk to the button to the right of the door and type "Push Button". Walk into the jail, type "Book Him", "Drunk Driving", and "Remove Handcuffs". Total Points: 85. Exit the jail, Laura should stop you and tell you what you need to do next. The jailer will also stop you and tell you to get back to the station. Walk outside, then to the locker, type "Open Locker", "Get Gun", and "Close Locker". Enter your car, drive t Lytton Police Station Type "Return Nightstick". Exit your car, walk into the station, then the table in the middle of the room, type "Write Memo", and "Put Memo in Basket". Total Points: 87. Walk to the right of the screen and listen to Dooley. Walk to Dooley’s Office on the bottom left of the screen and type "Open Door". Walk to the chicken, type "Look Chicken", and "Talk Dooley". Exit the room, walk to the other officers and find out about Close your locker and exit the room. Walk to the key board and type "Return Keys". Walk to the table and type "Return Radio". Walk to the left of the screen twice, enter your Blue Corvette, and type "Get Wallet". Total Points: 93. The Blue Room Drive to the Blue Room on Map B4, park and press F4. Total Points: 95. Exit your car and walk into the Blue Room. Walk to the table where Jack is sitting, and type "Sit Down" on the chair to his left. Total Points: 97. After the party, Keith will tell you to get back to the station. Type "Stand", return to your car, drive to the station on Map C3, park and press F4. Lytton Police Station Exit your car, enter the station, and walk to the locker room. Open your locker, type "Change Cloths" twice, "Get All", "Open Briefcase", "Get All", "Close Briefcase". Close your locker and exit the room. Walk to the briefing room and take your seat. T Walk to your box on the right wall and type "Look Box". Total Points: 101. Exit the room, then walk to the table, and type "Get Radio." Walk to the key board and type "Get Keys". Exit the station and walk around your patrol car again. Enter your car and drive. The Stolen Car Drive around until the dispatcher tells you that the stolen car near you. It is the cyan colored car somewhere on the map. Press F10 and when he pulls over, press F4. Total Points: 106. This might be a good time to save. Type "Radio Backup" and wait for them to arrive. Once Jack is in position, type "Open Door", "Exit Car", "Draw Gun", and "Load Gun". Total Points: 110. Type "Get Out of the Car with Your Hands Up". Total Points: 114. Type "Lay Down". Total Points: 116. Walk over to the man and press F8. Type "Handcuff Man", "Stand Up", and "Search Man". Total Points: 118. Type "Read Rights". Total Points: 119. Type "Follow Me", walk to the rear door of your patrol car, and type "Open Door". Move so that he can enter and type "Close Door". When Jack walks by, type "Look Gun", "Read Number", and "Return Gun". Be sure to write down the number. Total Points: 123 Walk to the driver’s door of the stolen car and type "Look Door". Total Points: 125. Type "Open Box" and "Look Book". Use the arrow keys to look through the book and when you’re done type "Return Book". Type "Look License" and "Close Box". Total Points: 129. Walk to the trunk, type "Open Trunk", "Look Drugs", and "Close Trunk". Total Points: 131. Enter your car, drive to the jail on Map D3, park and press F4. Exit your car, let the guy out, lock up your gun, and push the button. Walk into the jail, type "Drugs", and "Remove Handcuffs". Total Points: 134. By now Jack will enter and tell you to get back to the station. Exit the jail, get your gun, enter your car, drive to the station on Map C3, park and press F4. Lytton Police Station Exit your car, walk into the station, and enter Dooley’s Office. Walk to his desk and wait for him to leave the room. Walk behind his desk and type "Read Memo". Total Points: 136. Exit the room, then walk to the key board, and type "Return Keys". Walk to the locker room, open your locker, type "Change Cloths" twice, "Get Gun", "Get Ammo". Close your locker, exit the room, walk to the left of the screen, then to the closed door, and Exit the room, walk to the open door, and then to Laura’s desk. After she leaves, walk to the key board and type "Get Keys". Total Points: 140. Walk to the clipboard and type "Get Clipboard." Use the arrow keys until you find the FBI Most-Wanted List on Jason Taselli, type "Get List", and "Return Clipboard". Total Points: 142. Walk to the file cabinet, type "Open Drawer", "Get Hoffman", and "Get File". Total Points: 144. Exit the room, exit the station, and walk around the unmarked car. Enter your car and drive to the courthouse on Map D3, park and press F4. Total Points: 145. The Courthouse Exit your car, walk to the courthouse door, and type "Open Door". Walk to the clerk’s window on the right wall, type "See Judge", "No Bail Warrant", and "Emergency". Total Points: 148. Wait until the clerk returns, walk to the doors, and type "Open Door". Type "Hoffman", "File", "List", and "Tattoo". Total Points: 155. Return to your car, drive across the street to the jail, park and press F4. Exit your car, lock up your gun, and push the button. Walk to the jailer and type "Give Warrant". Total Points: 157. Exit the jail, get your gun, return to your car, drive to the station on Map C3, park and press F4. Lytton City Park When you return to the station, Laura will be waiting for you. Drive to the park on Map B1, park and press F4. Total Points: 158. Exit your car, enter the park, and Press F8. Hide yourself behind one of the big bushes. Type "Use Radio" and wait for something to happen. When the two guys start to argue, type "Use Radio", and "Police". Total Points: 163. Walk to the man, press F8, and type "Handcuff Man". Total Points: 164. Type "Read Rights". Total Points: 165. Type "Search Man". Total Points: 166. Type "Look ID Card", "Look Drugs", and "Talk Man" twice. Total Points: 168. Type "Follow Me" and "Talk Colby" twice. Total Points: 171. Type "Open Door" and "Close Door". Enter your car, drive to the jail on Map D3, park and press F4. Exit your car, let the guys out, lock up your gun, and push the button. Walk into the jail, type "Book Them", "Drugs", and "Remove Handcuffs". Total Poin Exit the jail, get your gun, enter your car, drive to the station on Map C3, park and press F4. The Blue Room Drive to the Blue Room on Map B4, park and press F4. Exit your car, walk into the Blue Room, sit down with Jack, and type "Talk Jack". After Jack leaves and Keith tells you to get back to the station, type "Stand", return to your car, drive to the station Lytton Police Station Exit your car, enter the station, enter Morgon’s Office, walk to his desk, an listen to the briefing. Total Points: 175. Exit the room, walk to the right of the screen, then to the edvidence window on the back wall. Type "Black Book" and use the arrow keys to look through it again. Type "Return Book", "Gun", "Look Tag", and "Return Gun". Walk to the computer room on the bac Exit the room, enter the Narcotics Office, and walk to your desk. Type "Use Phone", and "1-312-555-3382", and "Taselli". Total Points: 182. Exit the room and enter Morgon’s Office. If he is not there, return to the Narcotics Office and talk with Laura. Now return to his office. Exit the room, exit the station, and walk around the unmarked car. Enter your car, drive to the jail on Map D3, park Exit the jail, get your gun, enter your car, and drive until the dispatcher tells you to respond to Cotton Cove. Cotton Cove Drive to Cotton Cove on Map D4, park by the other cop cars and press F4. Total Points: 189. Exit your car, walk to the body, type "Lift Sheet", and "Open Shirt". Total Points: 191. Type "Cover Body" and "Use Radio". Total Points: 194. Return to your car, drive to the station on Map C3, park and press F4. Lytton Police Station Exit your car, enter the station, enter Morgon’s Office, walk to his desk, an listen to the briefing. Total Points: 196. Exit the room, enter the Narcotics Office, and walk to your desk. Type "Use Phone", and "555-2622". Total Points: 199. Type "Use Phone", "555-4522", "Sonny", and "Hoffman". Total Points: 204. Exit the room, walk to the hallway table, and type "Return Radio". Enter the locker room, open your locker, and type "Get Towel". Close your locker, walk to the shower on the right, type "Turn On Shower", "Use Bleach", "Wet Hair", and "Rinse Hair". Tot Type "Turn Off Shower", open your locker, and type "Change Cloths". Close the locker, exit the room, enter Morgon’s Office, walk to his desk, and listen to the last briefing. Total Points: 208. Walk to the phone on his right and type "Look Phone". Total Points: 210. Exit the room, exit the station, walk around your car, enter your car, drive to the Hotel Delphoria on Map A2, park and press F4. Total Points: 211. Hotel Delphoria Exit your car, enter the hotel, walk to the desk, type "Ring Bell", "Rent Room", and "Pay for Room". Total Points: 214. Exit the room to the left, walk to the bar, and type "Beer". When Woody brings your drinks, type "Pay Man". After Marie leaves and returns, walk to the bar and type "Pay Man". Total Points: 217. Exit the room to the right, enter the elevator, and type "Push Two". Walk to the right of the screen, then to Room 204, and type "Unlock Door". Total Points: 218. Marie will ask you two questions, type "Yes" twice. Walk to the phone on the nightstand, type "Use Phone", "555-6674", and "Sonny". Total Points: 221. Type "Use Phone", "555-9222", "Hotel". Total Points: 224. Exit the room, enter the elevator, and type "Push One". Walk to the lounge, then to the bar, and type "Pay Man". Total Points: 225. Follow Woody to the back room and walk to the left of him so he can frisk you. Walk to the chair at the top left table and type "Sit Down". When playing poker, if you win save and type "Deal", when you lose restore. Play until you win around 500 bucks. Return to your hotel room and wait for backup to arrive. Stand by the guy on the left and type "Get Transmitter". Total Points: 233. Return to the lounge, walk to the bar, and type "Frank sent me". Follow Woody and let him search you again. Walk to the chair and type "Sit Down". Play again until you win really big. Total Points: 236. Frank will ask two questions, type "Yes" twice. Type "Stand" and follow Frank up the stairs. After Frank enters his room, type "Radio Backup". Total Points: 241. Enter the room and hang around for the end of the game. Total Points: 245. Police Quest 1 (EGA) Copyright © 1987 Sierra On-Line, Inc.