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Little Joshua

September 13, 1998 -- March 27, 1999

Hello, My name is Joshua Church.
I live in Heaven now.
And yes, the streets are paved with gold.
And yes, there are angels up here.
They come and go, back and forth.
God sends them on missions every day.
Sometimes it's to earth, sometimes to the heavenlies.
No, none of our ancestors up here are apes.
No, there is no more suffering. Thanks to Jesus.
He removed my cross when I got here.
The best thing about Heaven is the Glory of God.
You'll just have to wait to experience it.

Click Here To See Me In Heaven

This little light of mine still shines.

My parents are Brian and Christine.
They are the most wonderful parents anyone could ever have.
They were handpicked by God for me.
Even though they couldn't understand what I was saying,
I told them every day that I loved them.
They may miss me, but I'm still with them, in their hearts.
Jesus said that it's okay to grieve, because
"Blessed are those who mourn..."
True mourning is without being angry.
I'm just glad they both will be joining me up here in
Heaven one day. Jesus told me so the first day I got here.
God does fullfil his promises.
So no matter what...

My brother is Jared.
I had so much fun playing with him.
He was so nice and gentle with me.
He was an example of how brothers and sisters
should treat each other.
Jesus told me I would see him again one day also.
God has great plans for Jared.
Jared, always take good care of Mom and Dad.
Teach others that "Family is important."
I heard Nana and Poppop say that one day when
they were in town helping out Mom and Dad.
They really were "doing unto the little children."

By the way Jared, Poppop did tell me that you said
to tell me "Hello." He's the first family member
to get here since I arrived.
It's really cool to have him up here with me.
I'm glad he made "the decision" before it was too late.
He says he feels as good as he did the day he got married.

Are Jared's Favorite Characters.

Except for my house in Grayson,Georgia
my favorite place to be while on earth
was Egleston Children's Hospital.
That's where Polly baptised me. What a blessing.
I saw my God Mother Sydney there alot.
Dad and Mom comforted me every single day.
I just loved those pretty nurses.
They reminded me of the angels up here.
Just the other day, I was talking with Mother
Theresa, and she commented about those nurses.
She told me their reward was up here in Heaven.

Ernie was my favorite toy.

Also at Egleston, were all those smart doctors.
God just provided me the right ones.
Especially Dr. Tam. He really cared.
They are very skilled, but Jesus told me
that God guided them in every operation.
He said it was due largely to all the prayers.
I was especially grateful when Ken and Joseph
came to the hospital and laid hands on me.
That allowed God to respond to their faith.
The doctors succeeded in extending the time
that God had alloted me there on earth.
I hope God will impress upon the doctors that
the true healer is Jesus Chirst.
And that they must always rely upon His guidance.

Oh, by the way. God does expect His people to give.
God will reward those who gave to the Sibley Heart Center.

I want to thank everyone for their prayers.
Even those at NRCA in North Carolina.
I now pray for them. Don't have far to go to do that.
Now I know what it means when people say, "In Jesus' Name."
Jesus just goes and asks the Father for them.
Prayer really does work.

As a "Thank You," here's a Rose
Click To View The Rose

There was only one time on earth I was frightened.
That's when I was in Mom's womb, and I heard some
doctors talking to Mom and Dad about an abortion.
Thanks Mom and Dad for obeying God's commandments.
Jesus told me God knitted me in Mom's womb.
Jeremiah and David reminded me of that just the other day.
That was when David was teaching me to use a sling shot.
The same day Solomon was teaching me to read the Bible.

The Inspired Word Of God

Although I had already left earth,
God did allow me to look in on my memorial
service at Crossroads Community Church.
That was "just awesome."
It was not a funeral, but a celebration.
Pastors Chris and Kevin were spirit led that day.
Joseph's music was close to what I hear up here every day.
I especially liked "As For Me and My House."
The Joshua I was named for said he liked it too.
And Yes, Ken's prayer were not his words, but the Holy Spirit's.
Ken only delivered the prayer. You must read it for yourself.
Click To View Ken's Prayer

And No, it was not a sales pitch that Pastor Kevin gave.
It was the GOSPEL TRUTH. It's call Amazing Grace.
I asked Jesus, and he told me it was not Amazing Works.
When those 20 people prayed the prayer of salvation
you should have seen the party that the angels had up here.
It was my first party. Better than any birthday party.
For those 20 people, it was their siritual birthday.
Jesus told me I would be the first person
those people saw when they got up here.
He said, during my six months on earth, I was responsible
for more saved souls than most who live 60 years.
He also said the the Holy Spirit was still working
on some of the others who were there that day.
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My Favorite Poem -- Read By Ken at Memorial Service


Not now, but in the coming years,
It may be in the better land,
We'll read the meaning of our tears,
And there, some time, we'll understand.

We'll catch the broken threads again,
And finish what we here began;
Heaven will thy mysteries explain,
And then, ah, then, we'll understand.

God knows the way. He holds the key,
He guides us with tearless eyes we'll see;
Yes, there, up there, we'll understand.


So Do I.

God has a purpose for each of us.
I pray that each of you find that purpose and accept it.
Jonah told me that he's glad he did.
For those that are in his purpose,
Paul said for you not to grow weary in well doing.
The animals are glad Noah didn't give up building the ark.
Jesus told me all His followers were expected to help
build God's Kingdom, by being fishermen of men.
Noah said you were missing the boat if you weren't.

More About Life
Click below to learn what I have found out.

Is There Really a God?
Why I Am In Heaven!
Still Playing Hide and Seek?

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