WARNING: Adult Content. By accessing this page you are confirming that you are 18 or older. The Owners/Operators/Editors assume no responsibility for anyone not 18 or older accessing this site, no matter how interesting this page may or may not be to anyone not 18. WARNING: The Contents of this page may be offensive to certain people. The Owners/Operators/Editors of this page assume no responsibility, since we warned you. We also believe that if you are offended, you should get a life and/or sense of humor. The Owners/Operators/Editors of this page also assume that you should already know the above, but you might be male, and may have wandered into this site thinking it was jokes FOR males. In this case, buy a clue, $19.95, available at any outlet store.
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Instructions For Men:
Click on one of the choices above. To do this, move your mouse pointer over the UP arrow, and click the LEFT mouse button. When you see the choices, Pick
one, move your mouse pointer OVER it, and click the LEFT mouse button.
Well, Ladies, we always knew they were horses's asses....
The Owners of this page Thank ~Unique~ for the background. Her graciousness in much appreciated! *smiles* Please visit her!
This page created: July 6, 1999