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Fatal Portrait's of the Metalpalace

*Update:  I'm available for Lead Guitar/Rhythm position
Listen to my sound files and contact me via E-mail  I respond to ALL e-mails.  If I do not respond within
48 hours its because I didn't receive it so please keep trying.

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Metalpalace - heavy metal bands, King Diamond pictures, soundfiles, pictures, guitar music, entertainment

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Ylayna the mistress of the EYE OF THE FIRE

A Tribute Site Built in Dedication to me. Created by my Beautiful and Multi Talented Friend, Ylayna

My Extroardinary Sound Samples of my Own King Diamond Influenced Original Music

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Many New Pictures

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Write to me at and I will respond. Thank you.

Here are another three pictures of myself, the one on the right and the middle were both taken with my digital camera. The left one was with my web camera. These pictures are very recent. The one on the right is the most recent, december of two thousand. And below pictures of my favorite singer among many other things, his majesty King Diamond!

King Diamond Pictures

Andy La Rocque

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