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Speech Photos!

If anyone can think of better captions (these were thrown together in a hurry) or want pictures removed or added, please send me a complaint or a scanned *.jpg picture at Your help is greatly appreciated.

Rules for picture page:
1) See thumbnail.
2) Enjoy caption.
3) Think to yourself, "Wouldn't it be great if I could make these pictures bigger?"
4) Click on caption.
5) Make picture bigger.

Caption Thumbnail

The 2000-2001 Regional Team

The 2000-2001 Regional Team again!

Steve Ford-- Master Extempore

Lisa Berube and Kristine Heiting perform their DDA

Dan Holloway recites while drunk (drunk... acting... same difference)

Lisa Berube performs her DI

Dan Swiatek and Natalie Tinaglia perform their HDA

Leah Wessman performs her HI.

PIR is deulxe!

Phil Sadler performs his OC.

Hemant Mehta reads his radio script

Mr. Sackett saves the team's budget by getting a free haircut from Amanda Klimczak

The 1999-2000 Regional Team

Radio Speaking-- We get more done in 5 minutes than most people get done all day

Mr. Maranto proves why he is the best dressed coach on the team

"Hey Tina. Wasssssup?"

Pat Carberry camouflages into the One World background

Joey DeVenuto and Kristine Heiting hold the high and mighty Flag!

Kelly Smith practices her Impromptu to an audience... Waitaminute...

Elizabeth Dampf thinks about what she will do once the competition is over...

The Extemp group enjoys a day filled with warmth, friendship, and Fidel Castro

Jenna Saric and Sami Ahmed enjoy some spare time between rounds

Lindsay Casper and Jean Stanula focus on their HDA

Mike Piszynski shows his cool side in his HI

After a hard day's work, all you can do is relax...

Amy Keele (left) and Shannon O' Neil pose between rounds

Chris Bowling looks in awe at the camera

Geeta Malhotra practices her piece at state

Sasha Geoppo shows what a baby can sometimes do to a mother

Shereen Mady sees her prom date

Shereen Mady wonders how she ever got stuck with her prom date

Joey Devenuto discusses strategies to win with Sasha Geoppo and Geeta Malhotra

As Megan Harrington and Jean Stanula show, two people can see a piece completely differently

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