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Indigenous Taekwondo Association

Taekwondo and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) have become very popular in our Native American and Native Canadian communities. Taekwondo is quickly progressing within the North American Indigenous Games and more of our Native youth are becoming involved in the MMA world. We have people learning Muay Thai, Karate, Kung Fu, Hapkido, Kick-boxing, Boxing, Greco Roman Wrestling, Judo, BJJ (Brazilian Ju Jitsu), MMA, NHB..and the list goes on! Mixed Martial Arts and the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) are attracting our people in droves and there seems to be no end to this trend. Over the past years, our numbers have grown dramatically and we have successfully launched an all-Native non-profit organization called the Indigenous Taekwondo Association which is operating out of Edmonton, Alberta. We actually have MMA included in our curriculm although we practice a solid foundation style of taekwondo.

Our temporary email address is

Check out our new Indigenous Warriors Blog and use this space to leave comments, suggestions or just a quick note. This blog will be checked daily and updated with training tips and new discussion topics. If you have any information on tournaments or important dates, feel free to list them here and we'll try to post them on the website.

WTF taekwondo was sucessfully introduced into the popular North American Indigenous Games in 1995 as a demonstration sport. In 1997, WTF taekwondo made its successful debut as a full medal event in Victoria, BC, taekwondo has enjoyed a growth explosion in our communities. Taekwondo has helped to enrich the lives of many of our brothers and sisters.

The federation will work in cooperation with recognized WTF organizations in order to build the best possible structure to meet the needs and special considerations with respect to our Native population.

Here is an update. After many dozens of calls to provinces and states throughout Turtle Island, I can honestly say that our brothers and sisters who are currently practicing martial arts are being held back from contacting our association or not being told of our networking attempt by their club instructors or masters. It would seem that many of these masters are opposed to having our people connect in solidarity.It is imperative that we as indigenous people maintain communications between clubs regardless of their masters wishes. In order for us to congregate in the traditional sense, these barriers must be defeated.If you are an indigenous martial artist, I am asking you to stand up for yourself and reach out to connect with your community by contacting our organization. Your Nation needs your support.

In the Spirit of Unity

Rex Johnson, President

The Indigenous Taekwondo Association

The North American Indigenous Taekwondo Federation




First, a brief explanation of the martial art, sport and science of taekwondo.

Taekwondo has evolved over the past 2000 years according to Korean history books.The first recorded history of this martial art was discovered on cave wall paintings and was mentioned in ancient scrolls dated around 50 BC. The history and development of taekwondo is definitely interesting to read about and can be found in "The Ultimate Reference Guide to the World's Most Popular Martial Art, Taekwondo", which can be found at any decent library or book store.

Taekwondo, if taught properly, is an exciting martial art containing dynamic and powerful kicks, punches and unarmed combat techniques that can can be practiced by virtually anyone regardless of their athletic ability,size or age. Taekwondo programming is even available to wheel-chair bound persons and those who may be physically or mentally challenged. Taekwondo has been especially well received by our Native communities and is quickly becoming the martial art of choice.

One of the first organized First Nation taekwondo projects started in Toronto, Ontario at the Native Canadian Centre. This program was designed, implemented and coordinated by Rex Johnson (this web-site creator) and was funded in part through a grant from the Ministry of Culture and Recreation. This club, named the North American First Nations Taekwondo Club was guided by Grandmaster Young Su Choung, Canada's Head Coach for the Olympic Taekwondo Team and operated until 1994-95.

In 1995, Rex Johnson developed the "Red Eagles" school program through the First Nation School of Toronto and taught taekwondo as the main activity coupled with various sports and cultural activities in cooperation with the Native Child & Family Services of Toronto.

The First Peoples Recreation and Cultural Society of Scarborogh, Ontario was host to another taekwondo program taught by Rex Johnson operating from 1995 to 1997.

Mr. Johnson then moved to Victoria, BC. and operated a small club from 1997 to 1999 transferring to Edmonton, Alberta.

Mr. Johnson has been offering programs and services throughout central Alberta and is currently preparing students for participation in MMA events.


It is with great enthusiam that I announce that our organization has embarked on an effort to bring on-line martial arts instruction straight to your communities. We are currently workng on an interactive martial arts training program which willl allow enthusiasts to practice their martial art from the comfort of their home. If you have an interest in participating in this ground-breaking event, please contact us at Miigwetch!


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Teamwork goes a long way. Many hands make hard work easy!

Keep Working Together!! We are growing in strength and numbers! You are the MASTER of your own destiny. If you wish something to happen, envision it and take action!!!!!

  • The Federation will strive to promote the development of the martial art of taekwondo within the indigenous populations of North America.

  • The Federation will continue to adapt to the ever-changing martial arts environment.

  • The Federation will serve as a means of communication for all Indigenous martial artists

  • The Federation will assist with the provision of reputable and safe instructors if needed and screen prospective instructors, trainers and coaches by request.

  • The Federation will act as an information resource and give direction and support to the North American Indigenous Games Council with respect to the event of taekwondo.

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