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(C) Vadim Burtyansky, 2000.  Freeware.

Description  System requirements  Download  Guestbook

  The latest version - 1.1

FlexRestart is a small program for Microsoft ® Windows ® 95 or Windows ® 98  that speeds up the process of system restart and makes it more convenient for the user. It has 3 main features.

It intercepts reboot requests from any program or operating system itself and changes them to restart Windows ® only, which is quicker.

Most of the programs that change system configuration, add or replace shared DLLs or drivers, such as almost any setup software, on their last step issue system restart. However, in most of the cases it is sufficient to simply restart Windows®, without going through BIOS initialization, memory testing, loading MS-DOS ®, processing MS-DOS ® configuration files and loading MS-DOS ®drivers and resident programs.  FlexRestart does the job by intercepting unnecessary reboot requests and issuing quick restart.

Rarely setup programs change Autoexec.bat or Config.sys files. In such case, it is necessary to perform full reboot. FlexRestart monitors changes to these files, and if such change took place, it allows for full reboot and doesn't intercept the reboot requests.

It replaces the standard "Shut Down..." dialog with the new, more flexible one. It has the following additional features:


FlexRestart displays a tray icon (in the right bottom corner of the screen). When you right-click on it, pop-up menu appears, providing you the possibility to quickly issue shutdown, restart, launch screen saver etc. If you press the "Shift" key when clicking on a menu item, you achieve the same result as by setting the option "Force applications to terminate" from the dialog box.  Left-clicking on the icon shows "Shut Down" dialog. The icon may be disabled, if you don't need it.

System requirements.
  FlexRestart requires Microsoft ® Windows ® 95 or Windows ® 98. It does not run on Windows ® Me or Windows ® 2000.  Disk space usage is less than 300 K.


Click here to download FlexRestart v1.1. 
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