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Refresh these pages often as I am forever "redecorating".

Welcome to
~ Walkcontra's Watch ~

Here in this place, on my watch, feel free to relax, forget your cares, meander.
There will be no assaults upon your person to make purchases,
link to sites of questionable character,
provide passwords or
be anyone but yourself.
All is well
for those within.

Hi there!
I 'm so glad you could make it.
Wasn't sure if my directions were very clear. I agree.It's incredible.
Every day feels like Christmas now!
So many rooms, hallways, galleries, and gardens to explore. More discoveries in every nook and cranny. The grounds are marvelous too and I can hardly wait to see what spring will bring.
Please don't mind the dust.
We've started the renovations and I'm sure they will keep us busy for a good long time. I have no idea how to decorate a place of this size.
Your guess is as good as mine as to what it will look like when it's all done!!
It's been ages.We have so much catching up to do.
How did I end up with this place? Well…it's a long story…shall we go in?
Where do you want to go first? Me?
I'm still figuring out where everything is.
The pie is fresh and the tea is on. Shall we go to the kitchen first?
Oh, before we leave the main entrance, could you do me a favour?
Please sign the guestbook. This place just seems to call for a guest registry!

Friends.....old or new....Welcome.

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

A diamond in the dark is still a diamond ......
but when light dances upon its face......
glorious beauty celebrates.
~ Walkcontra ~

Write to Walkcontra

I am so honoured. I have received my very first award.
Thank you Rose.
March 24, 1999.

A heartfelt Thank You Merethe.
Love to Tiff for extending the invitation to visit.
April 1, 1999.

Thank you Jackie.
April 3, 1999.

Thank you Rita.
May 4, 1999.

Thank you Kim.
May 14, 1999.

Thank You Cyrano38.
June 17, 1999.

I am greatly honoured to be viewed as a heartwarmer site!
Thank You Lynn for your kind comments.
"Good luck as you continue your good work as an inspiration to all
and in making the Internet an instrument of hope and goodwill."
June 29, 1999.

Thank You Lady J.
July 1, 1999.

Doubly blessed, Thank You Lady J.
July 1, 1999.

Thank You Darle.
July 1, 1999.

Thank You Val.
July 2, 1999.

Thank You Heather.
July 21, 1999.

Beware of Cat! Sittin' Pretty Award

Thank you Zandra.
July 22, 1999.

Thank You Patricia.
Aug 6,1999.

Artist's Work Featured on this page:
Both fairies ~ The door ~ Courtesy of Clipartcastle ~
~Writing desk ~ Jörgen Ljungberg ~
Entrance to Manorhouse ~ Thomas Kinkade ~

~ Site Disclaimer ~
The information contained on this site, including graphics, has been gathered from a variety of sources, both on and off the internet, so that it may be viewed by interested parties. The original authors/artists(where known)are given credit for their work. If there is an uncredited piece on this site where the author or source is known, please contact me so that proper credit may be established.
~ Thank You ~

WOMEN ON THE WEB site is owned by
Deborah L.

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February 28,1999
I began creating this site with the much needed assistance of my daughter, Tiffany, who can teach her mom "a thing or two".