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WWF RAW is WAR Results and IMAGES


RAW Results for 9-06-99

Hosted by: Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler

RAW opens with The Tag Title Match.

Match One: The Rock and Mankind vs. Kane and HHH (Tag Title match)

Rock says that Kane does not impress him. He says that he is in a giving mood tonight. He says that he will give Kane the mic
so that he can say "My name is Kane, and i am a Rudy Poo Candy Ass"
Rock says that since he doesn't use the voice box Rock will take it, Remove the batteries, lube it up and shove it up Kane's candy ass.
Mankind comes out and says that he is proud to be Rock's partner.
Mankind says that he wants to send a get well to Bryan. Mankind says that he has come back to Harvard. The WWF is in Hartford this week.
Kane comes out without X-pac. Kane tells the officials to ring the bell.
HHH's music starts and HHH comes out. HHH is out to be Kane's partner.
Chyna comes out with a sledgehammer. Rock and Kane start of the match. Rock quickly tags in Mankind.
Foley beats Kane down in the corner. Kane whips Mankind to the other corner and clotheslines him.
HHH wants a tag but Kane ignores him. Mankind gets a pile driver on Kane.
Rock gets tagged in and hits HHH. HHH tags himself in and Kane knocks him out of the ring.
HHH comes back in and slams Kane with the sledgehammer in the back. Rock gets the rock bottom followed by the People's Elbow for the win.
HHH comes back into the ring after the match and tries to pick up Kane. Kane grabs HHH and HHH hits him with the sledgehammer.
Undertaker and Big Show come out and HHH leaves. UT and Big Show stare down Kane.

Winner: Mankind and The Rock
Jeff Jarett and Kitty are shown walking around in the back


Jacky is in the back with Cole. She says that she is going to kick Jarett's butt tonight.
She says that it wont be the first time that she smacks three dumb blondes in one night.

Match Two: Jeff Jarett w/Kitty vs. Jacqueline

Jeff says that there will be no puppies tonight. Jeff tells Chyna to look long and hard at this match. Jeff says that she will find out what happens when a woman steps into his world. Jacky jumps on Jeff right at he beginning. Jeff throws her off and stomps her down. Jeff chokes her on the ropes and tells her to go back and tell Chyna what it is like. Jeff continues to beat on Jacky. Jeff clotheslines her. He then puts her in the Figure-Four. She taps out. He smacks her with the guitar after the match.

Winner: Jeff Jarett
Val is in the back with Taylor. Taylor comments on what happened to Val on SmackDown. Val says that Blackman better hope that he finds Val before Val finds him.


Match Three: Edge and Christian vs. The Acolytes

Edge and Bradshaw start the match. Farooq gets tagged in and Christian is also. Christian gets a drop kick on Farooq. Bradshaw gets the tag and Edge does also. Bradshaw gets a fall away slam. He beats Edge down in the corner. Edge gets a tag and Christian gets a drop kick on Bradshaw. Edge comes back in and they double team Bradshaw. Edge goes to the outside and battles with Farooq. In the ring, Bradshaw gets a power bomb but the ref doesn't count. He goes for it again but Edge gets a missile drop kick on him to get the win.

Winner: Edge and Christian ( #1 contenders)
Edge and Christian are in the back with Cole. The Acolytes come i the back and the Dudleys jump them.

G-TV comes on and its Big Show and Val in the bathroom using the urinal. Val looks at him and says " And they call you the big show??" Big Show slams Val into the wall then washes his hands.


Meat is in the back with Cole. Meat says that his name is not Meat it is Shawn Stasiack(sp?)he says that his father won the WWF title a long time ago. The Posse comes and takes him out. They tell him that his father sucked.

Val comes to the ring and calls out Big Show. UT and Big Show are in the back. UT pretty much makes Big Show go out.

Match Four: Val Venis vs. Big Show

Val beats on Big Show early on. Big Show throws Val off of him. Val continues to climb on Big Show. Big Show tells Val that no one calls him out. Val slides into Big Show's knee. Val climbs the ropes and jumps on Big Show but gets caught in a chokeslam. After the match Blackman runs out and beats Val with a kendo stick.

Winner: Big Show
Taylor is in the back with The Dudley Boys. Bubba says that the Acolytes are no big deal. D'Von says that there is only three thing that people should know. Thou should not kill....Thou should not steal....Thou should not kill...He gets cut off by the Acolytes. The come in and beat down The Dudleys.


Lillian begins to announce the next match but Fink interrupts her. Finkle comes out and tells her to leave. He says that he is the best and she should watch him. he begins to announce the match and Shamrock comes out to attack him. Jericho's music starts and Jericho comes on the screen. he says that Ken has made him furious. He calls UFC fake and says that wrestling is real. he challenges Ken to a match on SmackDown. Ken runs to the back.

HHH and Chyna come out. HHH says that people have forgotten things. he says that he is going to remind everyone that like it or not he is the game. He is the WWF Champion.
He says that his resume speaks volumes. he says that over a short period of time he has beaten or crippled everyone big in the WWF. The crowd chants for The Rock. He says that because he is the game and this is not a game Linda McMahon better stay out of his business. Billy Gunn comes out. he tells HHH that his resume is pretty impressive but Billy knows HHH better than anyone. He calls HHH and asshole. HHH says that he will give Billy Gunn a shot at the title. Billy says that he has two words for HHH.....

Brisco and Patterson are shown talking in the back.


Match Five: Test, Brisco and Patterson vs. The Posse /w Terri

Terri sits down at the announce table. She asks if it is wrong to want to be with three classy men.
Match begins on the ramp before Test even comes out. The five men go into the ring and Test runs out and cleans house. Rodney tries to leave. Stan(Meat) runs out and attacks Rodney. he throws Rodney back into the ring and Test covers.

Winner: Brisco, Patterson and Test
The Hollys are shown walking around in the back.


Billy Gunn and HHH are shown pacing in the back.

Match Six: The Hollys vs. The New Brood

Bob has a scale he says that unless the Hardys meet the Super Heavyweight requirements there will be no match. Matt gets on the scale and Bob says he's not enough. Bob calls Jeff Karen Carpenter. He then calls out Gangrel and says that he is a fat bastard. Gangrel gets on the scale and he isn't enough either. Bob tells em to go eat some doughnuts. Jeff drop kicks the Hollys. Matt and Jeff quickly demolish The Hollys. Matt slams Crash and then gets a flying legdrop. He covers but only gets two.
Matt keeps choking Crash on the ropes. Jeff comes in and jumps on Crash. He pins but only gets two. Jeff continues to keep Crash from getting a tag. Matt comes in and puts Crash in a choke hold. Jeff comes back and gets thrown into the turnbuckle by Crash. Bob gets tagged in and. mounts a small offense until both Hardys attack him. Matt gets a suplex and it is followed by a Senton Bomb by Jeff. All four men get into the ring. Crash and Jeff go to the outside. Bob pins Matt in the ring. the lights go off and Crash gets a bloodbath. Bob Holly laughs at him and they begin to fight.

Winner: The Hollys
Cole is in the back with UT and Big Show. UT tells Cole to go away. UT says that he wants a return title match at SmackDown. UT says that he wants it to be a buried alive match.

Some stranger is walking around in the back.


The Stranger comes out and it is Al Snow in his Avatar outfit. He says not to fear because Avatar is here. He is in the WWF to protect from evil. He takes off the match and asks himself where he is at. He says "What am i wearing the genie pants for??" He says that he is not Avatar again. Al appears to have lost it. he runs to the announce table and writes something down. He runs away barking.

Cole is in the back with the Tag Champs. Rock says that UT and Big Show must have some Gaul to challenge him on the people's show. he says that when you live by the dirt you die by the shovel. he says that he is going to stick the shovel up UT's candy ass. Mankind says that he knows the difference between work and play.


G-TV comes on Marriana talking to someone on the phone. She says "He wont even take my calls"

Match Seven: D-lo vs. Steve Blackman

Mark Henry comes out before the match starts. He has two women with him. Henry sits down for guest commentary. D-lo goes for an early pin but only gets two. Henry says that D-lo is worth this much....he drops some change on the table. Blackman gets a snap suplex on D-lo. D-lo gets pissed and says something to Henry. Blackman comes in to attack D-lo from behind but Val comes out and get Steve first. Val leaves with Blackman's duffel bag. D-lo gets the lowdown for the win. henry jumps in the ring and attacks D-lo.

Winner: D-lo
Taylor is in the back with Ivory. She says that she is not worried about her match and she is actually looking forward to it. Torrie runs in and attacks Ivory.


Match Eight: Torrie vs. Ivory (Hardcore Women's Title Match)

RAW comes back and Torrie and Ivory are still fighting. Torrie is in a g-string. They go into the shower and Jacky is there naked. Ivory rubs Torrie's face with soap. They go into the mens locker room and the men are cheering for Ivory. Torrie slams Ivory into the wall. Torrie is pretty much down to her bra and panties now. They continues to throw things at each other. Ivory smashes a mirror on Torrie's head. Ivory pins on the floor. She continues to beat on Torrie after the win. She burns Torrie with an iron on the back.

Winner: Ivory
Chyna is met my a ref and he says that she is barred from ringside tonight.

Kane is shown sitting in a a dark room alone.


Main Event: HHH vs. Billy Gunn

Chyna does come down with HHH despite the warning. The ref tells her to leave. Billy and Chyna get in each others face on the ramp. HHH and Gunn begin to fight on the outside of the ring before the match even starts. Both men enter the ring and the match begins. Billy slams HHH and gets a two count. HHH gets a high knee. Billy leaves the ring and HHH follows. HHH slams Billy on the announce table. They go back into the ring and HHH keeps beating on Gunn. HHH is focusing on the left arm. HHH gets an arm bar take down for a two count. The men exchange right hands on the corner. Billy gets a two count. Shane comes out and Billy throws HHH out of the ring. The ref tells Shane to leave. HHH grabs the belt but Billy takes it and hits him with it. Billy covers but there is no ref. By the time a ref comes he only gets a two count. HHH runs after Gunn but hits the ref. Billy get the fame ass-er but the ref is out. HHH goes for the pedigree but gets a low blow. Both men are laid out on the mat. Billy crawls over but only gets two count. HHH climbs the ropes and so does Gunn. He throws Gunn off and goes to jump on hi but misses. HHH gets the pedigree for the win. Shane and Chyna come out and help HHH celebrate. Kane comes out. Kane takes out all three of them. HHH comes back but has little effect on Kane. Kane chokeslams HHH. Kane then chokeslams Shane.

Winner: HHH

Wrestling World's Smackdown Results
WWF Smackdown Results

Jerry Lawler is announced as the color commentator receiving a huge pop.

Kane is shown on the ovaltron and gets in a brawl in the parking lot with Triple H and Chyna.

The Big Bossman comes out to heel heat and gets on the mic to trash the crowd. He talked about what he did with Pepper and issues an open
challenge to anyone in the back especially a dog lover. I was expecting the Road Dogg to come out, but out came the British Bulldog in street
clothes to a huge ovation.

WWF Hardcore Championship
British Bulldog vs. Big Bossman

The two hooked it up and quickly spilled to the outside and to the audience. The Bossman tried to hit Bulldog with a chair causing him to roll back in the ring. Both got to their feet and the Bossman raised the chair to take a shot. Bulldog blocked it and nailed Bossman with the chair. Picked up the nightstick and clotheslined the Bossman with
it. Bulldog with a cover and a registered 3 count making him the new hardcore champion. Al Snow came out in the Leif Cassidy costume and shoved a piece of paper into the Bossman's mouth. Snow ran to the top of the ramp. The Bulldog went up to him and gave handed over the Hardcore title.

Winner and New Hardcore Champion: British Bulldog via pinfall New Hardcore Champion: Al Snow via handover

It will be interesting to see how this situation pans out.

Kane shown on the ovaltron pouring gasoline on a car. Triple
H and Chyna show up again and get some poured on them. Kane runs after

Edge and Christian w/Stevie Richards vs. New Brood w/Gangrel

Believe it or not I am saying Stevie Richards. Edge and Christian came
out of the audience with Richards behind them wearing a white gothic
shirt and pants. When they get into the ring, Edge and Christian spoke
with him and he went to the outside. The New Brood came out to good
heel heat. Lots of good offensive maneuvers by both teams. Edge and
Matt Hardy battled outside the ring with the referee's attention
diverted. Gangrel came in and positioned Christian for the implant DDT.
Richards got in the ring and delivered a Stevie Kick to the back of
Gangrel's head knocking him to the outside. Edge comes back in the ring
getting Jeff Hardy in a sidewalk slam while Christian got him in his
version of an inverted DDT. Christian makes the cover on Jeff Hardy to
win the match.

Winners: Edge and Christian via pinfall

After Edge, Christian, and Richards leave, the lights go out for a few
seconds. Looked like bloodbath time. When the lights came on Kane
appeared in the ring chokeslamming the Hardys and Gangrel. The Big Red
Machine gets on the mic(actually speaking a bit clearly) and said he was
gonna burn Triple H's flesh off his body.

X-Pac is show on the ovaltron coming into the building looking for Kane.

X-Pac comes out and calls out Kane. X-Pac talks about how if one
interferes in the other's business, their relationship would be over.
X-Pac says that he doesn't want to interfere in his life anymore since
he got an opportunity to become the WWF Champion and said that it was
over between them. X-Pac left to heel heat while Kane walked out upset.

The Hollys came out to heel heat with the scale. They did their routine
of calling out a super heavyweight. Chyna came out and was critised
about being a woman. Holly said that a woman's ass should always be up.
The Hollys turned their back and Chyna clocked Hardcore with the scale
and decked Crash to the outside.

Chyna vs. Hardcore Holly w/Crash Holly

Few offensive moves by both. Jeff Jarrett came out along with Debra and
Miss Kitty smashing Chyna with a guitar. The match is thrown out.
Jarrett continues to put the boots to Chyna while the Hollys are resting
on the outside. Mr. Ass comes in and takes out Jarrett. He seemingly
was trying to help Chyna up, but just ends up giving her a Fameasser.

Winner: No Decision

The Rock and Mankind are shown on the ovaltron making comments about the
Buried Alive Match. The crowd popped like crazy saying the Rock's catch
phrases with him. Mankind spoke softly and sung a version of Stayin'
Alive, but with Buried Alive.

Buh Buh Ray Dudley w/D-Von Dudley vs. Bradshaw w/Faarooq

Buh Buh Ray comes into the ring trashing the crowd and stuttering. At
one point he asks D-Von if the people were making fun of him. D-Von
told him no and talked about the 3 points of the Dudleys. Number 3 came
out to Don't Mess With The Dudleys. The Acolytes come out and Buh Buh
Ray and Bradshaw start slugging it out with each other. The match was
mainly a brawl both in and out of the ring. Bradshaw nailed Buh Buh Ray
with a Clothesline from Hell, but didn't go for the cover. Bradshaw
instead positioned Buh Buh Ray for either a pile driver or power bomb
prompting D-Von to come in. The match is thrown out and both teams
brawl prompting several officials to come out to break them up.

Winner: No Decision

Test and Stephanie McMahon come out to make a big announcement along with Linda and the Stooges. Stephanie says she wants all the fans to watch the wedding. Test says he wants the whole world to watch his
marriage to Stephanie. The Mean Street Posse and Terri Runnels come
down ensuing an argument between both sides inside the ring. Shane
comes out and calls off Terri and the Posse. Shane tells Stephanie how
difficult it is to see his little sister grow up, but realizes now that
she's a grown woman. He says to Test that perhaps their match at
Summerslam was unnecessary and extends his hand. Test and Shane shake. Shane hugs everyone and the entire group leave the ring.

Kane is shown on the ovaltron walking out with an acetylene torch.

WWF Championship Match
Kane vs. Triple H w/Chyna

The match went back and forth. Kane built early momentum prompting
Chyna to get on the mic and talk about their past relationship and how
it was like his relationship with X-Pac. Kane gets distracted and the
momentum shifts to Triple H. At the end of the match, Kane chokeslams
Triple H. The ref goes down to check on him while Chyna hits Kane from
behind with a sledge hammer. Triple H hits the Pedigree and gets the

Winner: Triple H via pinfall.

Triple H and Chyna decide to do some more damage to Kane with the sledge
hammer causing the Undertaker and the Big Show to come out. Chyna and
Triple H leave the ring. Kane sits up has a stare down with the
Armegeddon duo and leaves quickly.

Ken Shamrock come out and calls out Chris Jericho. Shamrock gives him
10 seconds and starts walking up the ramp. The millenium countdown
begins and the lights go out. We wait for 3 minutes before the explosion. (This part will most likely be edited) Finally, the explosion and the music. The lights come back on and Jericho is inside the ring inside of a shark cage carrying a baseball bat taunting Shamrock showing a picture of the Lion Tamer last week. Shamrock manages to take the baseball bat and hits the sides of the cage with it. Jericho calls for the Fink to lift the cage up. The Fink is seen on the ovaltron in an argument with Lillian Garcia and getting slapped. Shamrock manages to pull the bars apart and pulls Jericho out. Shamrock gives Jericho a beat down causing 6 officials or so to come out. 2 receive belly to belly suplexes while Jericho runs off. Shamrock chases after him.

The Big Bossman is on the ovaltron talking about Al Snow thinking that
he's tough.

After the "commercial," Fink is shown putting Jericho's bag into his car
and opening the door for him. Jericho doesn't let the Fink in and tells
him he's fired.

Jeff Jarrett comes out with chants of puppies and complains that he
doesn't want to wrestle a woman at Unforgiven and calls the Fabulous
Moolah, who was in the audience, into the ring. Jarrett goes over the
fact that in her day only men hit men and women hit women. Moolah says
that if she had to hit him she would. Jarrett then smashed Moolah with
the guitar. The other old lady with her came into the ring and Jarrett
applied the figure four leg lock on her. Debra tried screaming at him
to stop, but to no avail.

WWF Tag Team Championship Buried Alive Match
The Rock and Mankind vs. Undertaker and Big Show

Taker and Big Show come out first. Mankind comes out to a huge pop and
goes right into the ring to do battle. The Rock comes out to a
defeaning pop and is unceremoniously greeted by the Undertaker. The
match stayed outside the ring for the rest of the way around the
gravesite. Mostly the battles were between Undetaker/Rock and
Mankind/Big Show. At points the pairs were battling in the back. The
Undetaker and the Rock battled around the site, while Big Show and
Mankind brawled to the back. Undertaker and the Rock eventually went
out of the arena while Big Show threw Mankind off the ramp onto the
gravesite. Mankind was thrown into the grave and came out with Socko
and a Mandible Claw. The Big Show was out and into the grave. Mankind
went to shoveling dirt into the grave. The Rock battled with the
Undetaker in the back as was shown on the ovaltron. Triple H attacks
the Rock and the Undertaker goes back out to the arena. Kane is shown
attacking Triple H. Undertaker comes back and attacks Mankind who is
thrown into the grave. Mankind tries getting out multiple times, but to
no avail. The Undertaker decides to go to the back and the Rock comes
back out. The two slug it back to the backstage area and were never
seen again for the rest of the show. Big Show continued shoveling dirt
on Mankind until Triple H came out and hit the Big Show with the sledge
hammer. Triple H shovels dirt and ends up burying Mankind.

Winners and New Tag Team Champs: Undertaker and the Big Show

Triple H shovels more dirt while multiple times referee Earl Hebner
tried to get him to stop. An ambulance backed up into the arena in the
area of the gravesite. Triple H opens the backdoors receiving two birds
from Austin. Austin battles with Triple H throwing him off the dirt
pile a few times. Austin then puts Triple H in the ambulance and drives
to the outside. Austin gets out of the ambulance and jumps into a WWF
truck. Austin runs the truck into the ambulance mocking the WCW Hummer Angle. After finishing, he comes back to the arena to celebrate with beers until Shane came out calling hima coward who only attacks people behind their backs. Shane turns around to leave, but Austin brings him into the ring and stunners him. More beers. Another stunner. Austin gives Shane a beer and delivers another stunner. Austin left while
Shane struggles to get up the ramp. The Mean Street Posse come out to
help Shane to the back thus ending the show.

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