Welcome to the Writer's Web! This page and the group have been around for about two years now, and we will continue to grow each month. I wish I had a comparison page of how we looked when we were when just starting out. Hardly any of the members spoke, not to mention the page was limited compared to what it is now. But that doesn't matter anymore. I want to thank you personally for visiting this site, whether this is your first time or your a returning author.
Everything that can be found within this web ( I can't really call it a page anymore ) can be read in the following paragraphs. Or, if you wish to skip all this silly babble, there's a menu at the very bottom of the text.
If you're a writer, you're probably just a little curious about other writers and the writer's life. We've heard if can be lonely and hard - as it very well can be - and we've heard some good points as well as the negative. The The Writer's Life, focuses on what goes on in a writer's life, the all important schedules and routines, advice from other authors around the world, tips and techniques they use, and some famous quotes that can help even the published writer.
On the more creative side, we focus on gathering inspiration, unlocking your creativity, writing prompts , " plot cards ", and creative writing tips, including brainstorming. This is by far the funnest section for me and will grow more than any other. Stuck for ideas ? You've come to the right place!
For people who like to meet and interact with other writer's, we have The Writer's Web group, an outstanding ,free organization with over a hundred members. The group is pretty similiar to the page: Articles are passed out, tips and quotes, critiques are done when stories are submitted, any contest news or publishing information. Basically the perfect group for any writer. Pat Ewick and I are the co- moderators of the group. It's help at onelist.com.
We also have a Writer's Survey and a Writer's Polls page, which you are free to contribute to at any time. Reading the results are quite interesting. Any polls will not be taken down as time goes on; this cheats the viewer, IMO. New ones will be occasionally added, so keep checking back!
You can also read my thoughts on the psychology of writing, which is a new discussion thread I began with the Writer's Web. If your'e interested in structure of writing and need help starting out, we have:
[plot][viewpoint][theme][characters][outlining] [beginnings][middles][endings][checklists][tips]
Don't forget to dodge your brain by contributing in some writing exercises!
If these articles aren't enough for you, why not visit the articles page, seperated into categories by plot, agents, characters, genre, general writing articles, inspiration, and articles on publishing. One of the biggest collections on the net concerning writing, and updated weekly!
Like this writing page and want to see more? Click over to the Links site, also seperated for your convenience. Also a HUGE collection! The links are as followed: General writing links, specific genre links, services for writers, newspapers and newsletters, message boards for writers, individual homepages, group and club links, collaborating project links, writing classes online, links on authors that give wirting tips.
If you don't need much help in outlining or writing in general, maybe you belong at the literary agent's office or the publisher's desk. See what they can do to help you out.
Or perhaps you'd rather interact with some writers face to face? We can do that, too, with a message board ( No signing in and free to everyone ! ) If you wish to join some other writing clubs, go to the clubs page and see what's offered!
Perhaps you're wondering what books to read to enhance your writing career? Go to the writer's bookshelf and browse. Find something you like? Order from this page, and I'll send you a free fiction novel from my list! For every book ordered through here, I get fifteen percent credit. For helping me, I'll help you by sending you a free book of your choice. I have a fiction review site you can skim to see if there's anything you want, and I could also write you a list depending on what genre you choose. For choosing a book through my page, you can also recieve two free months of my writing newsletter, which usually requires two stamps per issue. The newsletter has not yet been set in progress, but it should be soon.
If your'e just into horror writing, Dark Haven is a suggestable area to stop. For other genres, check the articles page or the links site and that will help you out. If you still can't find what you're looking for, email me .
I'd like to thank everyone whos helped with this website and it's contents! Thanks Pat, the co moderator of the Writer's Web, thanks to all the Awards we've won and the webrings we're part of!