Butterfly Crystals

Chapter 1

The snow fell lightly outside of Jax's Penthouse, the curtains over his large window blowing wildly, fluttering like small ribbons in a child's hair. He had forgotten to close it, too preoccupied with his thoughts. The plate on the table was left untouched and his phone was off the hook. He didn't want to be disturbed. The area around the fireplace had ashes scattered all around it and the different pictures on the mantle were dusty, except for a few fingerprints on a picture of he and V and the one of he and Jerry. The place was cold and dark. There was a briefcase and a blazer on the steps leading up to Jax's bedroom, where the sound of rustling and mumbling filled the room.

Jax lay in bed, having the same "dream" he had every night around this time. Occasionally, he would mumble something, laugh, and then would fall back into silence. He tossed and turned the entire night, wanting to wake up from his dream, but enjoying it far better than reality at this exact moment.

There was a constant knocking on the door. Jax ran down the stairs, practically falling down the stairs, trying to get to the door as quickly as possible. Who in their right mind would be knocking on the door so fast and loudly?

"Would you hold on a second?!" He finally opened the door, only to be greeted by a very tall tree and the familiar scent of roses and vanilla. He knew who it was instantly.

"I'm sorry, but I think you have the wrong place," he said as he began to close the door.

"Jax, it's me silly!"

"Who's me," Jax asked teasingly.

"Who do you think? Now, would you please give me a hand with this?"

Jax smiled to himself, grabbing the large tree from V.

"Let me guess, you were on your way home and decided to show me your tree, well V it is beautiful, a bit large for your place, but I'm sure if you move your couch out onto the hall and move the kitchen table into your room, it'll fit perfect," he said with a grin.

V rolled her eyes. "It isn't my tree, it's for you and look, I brought decorations," she said picking up two large bags.

"I don't want a Christmas tree," he said seriously.

Choosing not to hear him. "Of course you do, we'll put it by the fire place…well a little right to the fire place, you know fire hazard and all." Jax shook his head. That was his V, alright.

"So, let's decorate!"

"V, Christmas is tomorrow, 6 hours to be exact."

"And your point is?"

"Don't you think it's a bit too late to put up a Christmas tree."

"You are such a downer. We will put up the tree and you will be happy dangit. I didn't just lug this thing all the way up here for nothing!" He watched her try to arrange the tree just right by the fireplace.

"What about your place?"

"What about it?" V walked away from the tree, looking at it.

"You could use a tree."

"I already have a tree." V shook her head. Nope, just a little more to the right.

Jax laughed out loud. "A tree, you call that small looking thing a tree!"

"It's cute," V said smiling, as she picked at the branches on the tree.

"It's gaudy!"

"Hey, leave my tree alone okay! Everyone who comes over, says it's adorable."

"They're lying," Jax said still laughing. She turned to him and stared him down as Jax tried to contain himself.

"I'm sorry," he said, unable to stop himself from letting out another small laugh.

V looked at him, then back at the tree. "You know what, I don't think I want to decorate this place anymore," she said half-serious.

"Oh come on V." He walked over to her standing on the opposite end of the tree, facing V.

"NO, you've insulted my tree and frankly, I'm getting sick of you."

"No you're not. You can never get sick of me." He smiled one of his dazzling smiles that always did her in, amused by her seriousness.

"OH, the ego on you. I'm taking the tree!"

"And doing what with it, putting it next to your smaller one? A tree and child?" He laughed loudly again.

V sighed loudly, shaking her head. Trying to be serious, but a small grin planted on her face. "You know, I would have more space for this larger tree, if I took the smaller one and stuck it up you’re a-"

"Hey, hey, hey! No need to get vulgar…I'll keep the tree."

"No! I'm taking my tree home!" She started to grab the tree.

"I thought it was my tree." He pulled it away from her.

"I changed my mind!" She pulls it back.

"V, I was just kidding about your tree, you know, I think it's * cough * cute!"

V squinted her eyes. "Liar."

"Would you just let go?"

"Would you? I paid for it!"

"But you bought it for me!" At this point they're both pulling on the tree.

"Well there has been no transfer of ownership."

"Well, when you set it down to the right of my fireplace, it became mine."


"V!" They both stood there with death grips on the tree.

"It's exhausting being with you!" V yelled as Jax smiled at her.

V let up her grip as Jax yanked the tree, expecting her to have a firm grip on it. They both went tumbling down, the tree knocked to the side as V fell on Jax.

V let out a loud groan as she fell against Jax. He encircled her into his arms as she lifted her face slightly, only to be bombarded by his baby blues. Her heartbeat quickened and Jax saw the light blush that crept onto her cheeks.

"Well, it seems you found a nice place to rest."

To Be Continued…

Chapter 2