Butterfly Crystals

Chapter 3

Jax tossed to his left, clutching on his pillow, still in dream. His breathing had slowed down considerably, entering the quiet part of his dream.

They had been decorating for about two hours without incident. They both seemed in sync when it came to decorating, laughing occasionally at how for once, they didn't get into an argument.

Jax stood back watching V had the last few strands of tinsel. She was doing it so slowly in almost perfect fashion.

"Why not just throw it on there", Jax asked.

"No, you have to do it just right," V said, taking her sweet time putting up the tinsel.


"Because," she turned to him "when I was young, every Christmas my dad would chop down a large tree and while he was at work my mom and I would decorate, so that when he walked in, he'd be surprised. Every year we'd use different lights or decorations to surprise him. She use to say the most important part of the decorations was the tinsel, because if you did it just right it would look like melting ice, giving the tree an out-door feel."

Jax walked behind her as V resumed her duty.

"You know, I never hear you talk about your mother much."

"I know, but I think about her all the time."

"What was she like," Jax asked grabbing a handful of tinsel from V.

"She is the most beautiful woman I have ever met. She had really dark hair and large eyes. Everyone says I look like her," V says looking down.

Picking up on her mood… "I'm sure you do."

"Yeah but she was graceful and so feminine, while I loved dirt and jeans."

Jax smiled at her. "How did she die?"

"She died when I was 14, cancer."

"I didn't-"

"I know," V finished for him.

"Can I see a picture of her sometime."

"Sure, next time you're at my apartment, okay?"

"Okay." The both stood in silence, V thinking of the past and Jax once again realizing that his former feud with his family was absolutely ridiculous. He saw the loneliness in V's eyes and was angry with himself for never asking, in greater detail, about her family in the past. He would get to know he better, he promised himself. He'd have the time.

V stepped away from the tree. "So? What do you think?"

He stepped behind her, fighting the urge to wrap his arms around her. "It looks beautiful."

She lifted her head, looking at him.

"And your mother was right, when the light hits it at a particular angle, the tinsel does look like melting ice," he said sincerely. He wrapped his arms around her. V backed up into him, resting her head on his chest, as he rested his chin on the top of her head. They both stood, watching the tree, feeling at home with each other, feeling like a family.

Despite not wanting to interrupt the moment, V had to go. She still had to make sure her present for Jax came safely.

"I have to go."

"Already," Jax said, letting her go, disappointment in his voice.

"Yeah, but I'll be back tomorrow, okay, and we'll have a great Christmas," V said grabbing her coat. Jax walked her to the door, helping with her coat.

"Okay be careful."

"I will," she said kissing him on the cheek. "See ya."

He watched her get on the elevator before closing the door. There was decoration she forgot to bring, Jax thought to himself with a grin.

A few hours later…

The table was filled with all types of goodies. A huge turkey with all the trimmings and of course V's favorite, chocolate. Jax was sure he and V wouldn't be able to finish it all, but he couldn't help himself. He had called his parents earlier wishing them a merry Christmas. He had invited them to fly down, but there was a blizzard and they couldn't come. They promised that tomorrow, if the weather cleared up, they would come visit. Jax looked at his watch. V was late. Not too late, but late enough for him to worry. Just as he was about to pick up his phone to call her for a second time, there was a knock at the door.

"You're late," Jax said opening the door "and you're nev..." Jax couldn't finish his train of thought when he saw V. She had on a short, red sequin dress. Jax drank her in, taking his time to look at her from head to feet, causing V to squirm slightly. Jax thought she looked like her namesake.

"W-what", V asked blushing.

"You, look…you're breathtaking!"

V smiled, rolling her eyes slightly, unaccustomed to hearing compliments, especially from Jax. "Thank you…you're not so bad yourself," she said walking into his suite. She walked to the table, laughing slightly at the spread.

"You know, I have a healthy appetite, but I don't think we'll get close to finishing all this."

"Couldn't help myself. Shall we?" He pulled out a chair for V, before taking his place at the table.

An hour later…

Soft music played in the background as V sat sprawled out on the couch, holding her stomach.

"I am so stuffed!"

"Well, maybe if you didn't have that third helping of chocolate cake," he said walking behind her on the couch, bending down. "Want me to rub your stomach for you?"

V rolled her eyes. "Do I look a kitten to you?"


"Oh stop it."

He walked around, sitting next to her on the couch. V leaned her head on his shoulder as Jax placed his arm around her shoulder.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"For what?"

"For making me feel at home and for letting me decorate this place. I think a part of me needed this also."

"I should be the one thanking you. I was going to spend Christmas moping about Jerry, until you came over. You're my sunshine, you know that?"

V turned facing Jax, trying to utter something while he smiled at her. She brought her hands to his face, leaning in and kissing him on the side of his lips slowly. When she pulled back, he grabbed her face, staring into her eyes. He slowly touched her bottom lip with his thumb, licking his own lips in anticipation. She looked down, placing her hands on tops of Jax's, removing them. Jax captured her hands again before V started to get up off the couch.

"Why do you keep pulling away from me?"

To be continued…

Chapter 4