Butterfly Crystals

Chapter 6

Even in sleep, Jax's breathing was heavy. The sheets that were secured around him, were discarded a bit. The room, the penthouse was much warmer now as if his dream had overtaken the entire suite…

He left a steady stream of kisses from her neck to her chin as V sighed loudly in response, running her fingers through his hair, softly grasping the thick hair at the nape of Jax's neck. She loved the feel of his lips on her. It felt like his kisses were burning through her…

His hands went down, his fingers grazing her thigh, causing V to shiver. He moved his hands up, running them along the sides of her body upward, where his thumb grazed the sides of her breasts lightly, causing V to gasp. He moved his head from her neck, watching her, watching him. They never lost eye contact as his hands moved up, his left hand holding her neck, his right hand touching her throat, running his fingers along her collarbone as V's eyes fluttered from the feel of his fingers on her body. He ran his hands over the area between her breasts, her low cut, V-neck dress making it easier for him. V closed her eyes and sighed as his hand moved right…

V took hold of his head, lifting it slightly, bringing her lips to his neck, kissing and sucking slightly the soft hollow part of his neck between his shoulder blades. Jax let out a small moan, bring his hand up to her head softly, cupping it with his hands. She moved up his neck to his Adams apple, taking it in as if it were made just for her. Jax couldn't take it anymore. She was doing things to him no other woman had ever done before. He moved his hands from her head, down to her back, rubbing and pushing her body closer to him. Finally secure in her feelings for him, letting go of any inhibitions she had, V moved up from his Adam's Apple, running her tongue over the cleft of his chin, causing Jax to groan loudly. V relished the sound of his voice in her ear, his hands on her body. What was she doing to him, Jax thought to himself. He was about to explode. He didn't know what he would do if they stopped. He wanted her now. He was this close to carrying her over to the dining table, clearing it and making love to her right here and now. Ever since that night in Paris, he wondered what it would feel like to hold her in his arms, making love to her, feeling her skin against his own…

She moved to his lips, capturing his bottom lip in her mouth, sucking and teasing before capturing both his lips, grabbing his face kissing him, with an intensity she never felt for anyone before until the were both out of breath and broke away to breathe.

Jax stared at her lips, knowing that if the resumed, they would never stop, they could never stop. V as if hearing his questioning, grabbed him, kissing him again, breaking away for a second, whispering "Make love to me" before capturing his lips again. Jax quickly picked her up, his lips never leaving hers, walking towards his bedroom. When he reached the top of the stairs, a knocking on the door interrupted his journey. They stopped kissing.

"I'm not getting it," Jax said urgently, looking down at V. She shook her head in agreement, kissing him again, until it dawned on her.

"Wait! You have to answer it."

"What? Why?" Jax stared down at her, confused.


"Because what?"

"It could be…something important. Papers for you to sign, or a delivery, or-"

"On Christmas," he asked, cutting her off.

"Well why not?"

"Fine I'll get it", he said exasperated at whomever it was on the other end of the door for interrupting them. Jax began walking down the stairs, with V in his arms.

"Wait! Put me down first," she said laughing a bit.

"Oh, okay." Jax put her down gently. "You stay right there, okay? Don't move!"

V laughed, grabbing his face and kissing him. "You're so cute!" He rolled his eyes, grinning and walked to the door as V stood watching him, a huge smile on her face.

Jax opened the door quickly. "What," he yelled.

A man standing at the door with a hat on, full beard, and a trench coat and cowboy boots. He looked nothing like a delivery man, Jax thought to himself.

"Can I help you?"

The man stood there gawking at Jax. "Are you just going to stand there or are you going to give me a nice hug and kiss," the man said in a Southern drawl, his arms apart, waiting for an embrace.

Jax backed away. "Excuse me, but I think you have the wrong…" Jax stared at the man's eyes, smelling the familiar scent of his cologne, the cheap kind that Jerry always bought.

"Jerry…Jerry is that you?!"

"What other grown man would stand here asking you for a hug and kiss," he asked in his usual Australian accent.

"I can't believe it," Jax said grabbing his brother, hugging him. He ushered Jerry in quickly, closing the door behind him.

"V, it's Jerry!"

"I know," V said softly, walking over to Jerry and hugging him. "You're late."

"Sorry luv," he said taking hold of her hand and kissing it.

"Wait, you knew," Jax asked, totally confused. Jerry and V looked at each other and nodded. "How? How did you find him?"

"I use to be a cop remember," she smiled.

"And judging by your tactics, a d*mn good one at that," Jerry finished.

Jax walked to V, embracing her. "Thank you," he whispered into her ear as Jerry watched the two.

"Now where's the food, I'm starving," he said walking over to the table.

Jax, Jerry and V spent the next hour talking about everything that had occurred while Jerry was away. Jerry noticed that in parts of the conversation, Jax and V would stare at each other knowingly, and wouldn't go into greater detail. He knew something was going on between them, he was just waiting for one of them to tell him. Jerry talked about all the traveling he had done to different exotic places and a couple of run ins with the law. Except for the tinges of sadness that crept into his eyes at times, Jerry seem to be adjusting his life "on the run." When he got tired of eating and talking, Jerry had an overwhelming need to dance, so he grabbed V, turned the volume on the radio the loudest he could without disturbing the neighbors and gave V quite a work out. Jax watched as Jerry would occasionally dip V and hold her closer than necessary. Jerry did it to to see Jax's reaction. Jax would scowl at him, giving him a warning look, which made Jerry even more determined in what he was doing. An exhausted V finally caught on and mockingly complained about her inervated state. V sat next to Jax on the couch, her hands around his waist and her head on his shoulders as Jerry and Jax continued chatting. She loved hearing the happiness in Jax's voice that only his brother's company could bring.

Jax watched Jerry's reaction to his closeness with V and he knew what his brother was thinking. He knew Jerry was dying to ask him about his relationship with V. There was such a level of peace Jax felt having the two of them there together with him. He knew he could spend the rest of his life like this.

To be continued…

*** Author's note: I do realize that I talked about V's feelings (and Jerry's thoughts) in parts of this chapter and since it is Jax's dream, he would have no way of knowing what she was thinking, but I had to get it in there, lol.:-) And I did some changed some stuff that happened on GH, timewise. :-)

Chapter 7