Butterfly Crystals

Chapter 7

While Jerry was in the back room showering, V had decided it was time to go home.

V grabbed her heels, putting them on…"I want you and Jerry to have some time together alone."

"It's okay really, he loves your company, as if you couldn't tell."

V smiled. "I like having him around also." She saw a glint of sadness in Jax's eyes and touched his cheek lightly. "It's okay, I'm sure he'll come back again every now and then. Maybe even next year," she said touching his face lightly after putting on her shoes. She got up from the couch grabbing her coat. Jax followed.

"I don't want you to go," he said seriously.

"I know, but spend this time with your brother. We'll have until for-…whenever to spend time together." He looked at her nodding and she knew what he was thinking. "I didn't forget about earlier," she said, whispering into his ear, standing on her tippy toes. She nibbled on his ear before standing flat again.

"You better not", he said teasingly, taking her waist and holding her to him. "Because I certainly won't." He kissed her sweetly, teasing her lips as if he had all the time in the world.

V broke away. "Let me get out of here, okay?" He nodded slowly. She kissed him on the cheeks before turning around to gather her things.

"Wait, I forgot to give you something." Jax walked over to the Christmas tree, taking a small box that hung on one of the branches.

"You didn't have to get me anything," V smiled shyly.

"When I saw it, I immediately thought of you," he said handing her the box.

V opened it slowly, removing the bow and wrapping paper. She took the necklace delicately out of the box holding it up, as Jax took the box from her hands. She stared at it, moving it slightly as the light hit it.

"It's beautiful." At the end of the gold chain were two interlocked crystal butterflies, seemingly hovering. Each had a touch of color in it, a light lavender and pink, that were barely noticeable unless you looked carefully at them. As V twirled the chain in her fingers, soft colors enveloped her face, caused by the light shining through the crystals.

"Reminds me of-"

"Paris," he finished for her, his eyes never leaving her face. She was such perfection to him. A perfect painting, that only God could create. She was the perfect sunset with a million colors that could never be reproduced by man. His eyes watered and he had to gasp for a small intake of air.

"Are you okay," V asked, a little worried. "What's wrong?"

He traced the outlines of her face, taking his index finger and tracing the area around her eyes, to her cheekbones and finally to the area below her lips. "Nothing."

She smiled at him. "Thank you. I love it." "Could you put it on for me?"

"Sure," he said taking it from her as V turned around. Jax gently put it on her and touched the susceptible part of her neck, before V took his hands.

"Mmmh mmmh," she said shaking her head slowly. "Don't start." He smiled devilishly.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay, come early."


"I have something planned. So you'll come early?"

She looked at him puzzled. "Promise." Jax knew she wanted to ask what he had planned. V grabbed her coat as Jax helped her into it. They walked to the door, Jax opening it for her.

V stood at the door. "Do me a favor?" Jax nodded. "Don’t let Jerry leave without saying goodbye first, okay?"

"Okay," he said grabbing her hand, smiling.

She reached up and kissed him.

"Thank you for the present."

"Thank you for mine."

He smiled at her and kissed her a little longer than she kissed him.

They stood there, not really wanting to part.

"Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas."

They both nodded simultaneously, before V grabbed his face and kissed him feverishly as Jax encircled her waist with his arms. They broke apart.

"I'm going now," V said nodding, trying to convince herself.

"Okay," Jax nodded, until V took her hands from his finely walking out. Jax slowly closed the door, standing there. He was about to walk to the table to clean up some when he heard a soft knocking at the door.

He opened it and V stood there. She didn't move, just looked at him. He looked at her curiously. Finally, she walked to him slowly, bringing her arms around his neck.

"I love you Jasper," she whispered into his neck, burying her face into his neck, taking in his smell.

"I love you too," he said smiling. He didn't think she realized how happy she just made him. Happier then he ever had ever been in his entire life.

She broke away, running her fingers across his lips. "Goodbye." She walked backwards out of the door.

"See you later." They held their gaze until V was in the elevator and the doors closed, then Jax finally closed his door.


The next morning, Jax was walking quickly around his suite, making sure he had everything ready so that when V walked through the door, they could leave immediately. He wondered where she was, it was almost 11:00 and she said she'd be there. He contemplated calling her, but if she wasn't over there yet, she must've been very tired. Jax didn't want to interrupt her sleep. As Jax was about to walk back up the stairs to retrieve a scarf, he heard a knock on the door. He turned around, smiling brightly and quickly walked over to open the door.

"It's about ti-." Jax stopped himself when he saw Mac standing at the door.

"Hi Mac, what brings you by?"

"Can I come in," Mac asked seriously.

"Sure, of course. By the way, it's a day late, but Merry Christmas." Jax immediately thought that this was somehow Jerry related. Could Mac had found out Jerry was in town? But how?

"Thanks Jax, but..um.," Mac suddenly looked at the ground.

"Not to be rude, but can you make this quick, V's coming over in a bit." Jax caught Mac's reaction to the mention of V's name. Mac's head sprung up suddenly, a weird look in his eyes. He eyed Jax for what seemed like an eternity. He would occasionally look down and clear his throat, but nothing came out.

"What's wrong," Jax asked picking up on Mac's mood.

"It's about V, Jax, she…" He couldn’t finish his sentence.

Jax looked away from him, not wanting look at his eyes, because then he'd know the truth. He walked to his desk, playing with a couple of letters lying on it.

"V's going to be… I mean sometimes she's late, right…but she's coming…she…she promised me last night, and V never…"he sighed loudly, controlling himself "breaks her promises," he finished, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Jax, V-…"

Jax sat up straight in his bed. That's where his dream ended every time. His mind wouldn't allow him to go any further. Jax threw the sheets off of him and leaned towards the small end table next to him, picking up the picture of V, surrounded by butterflies and roses. He brought the picture up closely to his face, almost as if he could bring back Paris and reverse time. He smiled weakly. The picture could make him feel better even now. He looked around the room. He felt nothing but emptiness, in his heart, in his soul. When he felt lost and felt like he couldn't take it anymore, V could always make him feel better. He would talk to her and he knew she would always listen. Jax crawled out of bed, putting the picture back. He walked to his dresser, taking out some clothes. He was so use to wandering in the dark, that he knew exactly where everything was. He never missed a beat. He put on a pair of old jeans and a long sleeve shirt over the T-shirt he already had on. It was 6am, the day before Christmas and about 15 degrees out but he had to see V. He walked into his living room, noticing the chilly air for the first time, closing the window tightly. He grabbed his overcoat and scarf that hung by the door and left his suite, wondering where he'd get flowers this time of night. He was surprised to see some white roses, V's favorite, sitting outside his door. He must have been so deep in sleep he didn't hear anyone at the door. He loved bringing her fresh white roses.

Jax walked through the gates slowly making his way to V's place. The snow made it hard for him to see where he was walking and he was partially afraid of falling, afraid of disturbing the quiet place. The snow this year made it hard for him to find her easily. He finally made his way to V, placing the roses down gently.

"Hello V," he said, removing the snow that gathered atop her headstone, before kneeling.

To be continued…

Chapter 8