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Dear Friend:

I am glad you came! So, you want to know what this Valley of Death is all about? Well, it is a phase our spirits go through right after we die.

There have been innumerous accounts of this phenomenon by the people who were clinically reported dead, but came back to life after a brief encounter with reality.

In fact, I met a man in my own life who went through the same experience himself. He said that when his spirit was escalating through the valley of death without no control of his own, it was pitch dark, and he was very very scared, not knowing what was happening to him or what to expect next.

On the other side of the valley he came in the presence of a very loving being whose love he could feel all around him like he had never felt before! There his whole life was reviewed in front of his eyes in a very short time. Then he was given a choice as whether to continue into the spirit world or to come back to his body and set right his relationship with his step-son whom he didn't care for very much.

Our friend made the choice to come back to his body to do what he failed to when he lived!

He goes on to say that he is a changed man now, not only because he is having a wonderful relationship with his step-son but also for he won't be scared of The Valley of Death anymore!

Well, would you want to be able to walk through that Valley of Death with no fear at all whenever your call comes? Simply follow the link below that will lead you in a simple prayer. Say it, once in your whole life time and ask Jesus who conquered Death, to come into your heart. Then he will be with you always, even when you pass through that valley of shadow of death! And you will be as bold as the friend that I met!

God bless you!

  • The Special Prayer