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Peacefulness : Blue : Calm Lakes

{7/8/01}Guess where I was this past 9 day...
I was at Boundary Waters, Minnesota. Canoeing and camping. When I reminisced on this experience, it felt increasingly more like an epic adventure than reality. The 8 companions of mine felt like brave knights on horses, dragons or our trusted canoe. Sorry, no one will be wearing those little pink dresses like in fairy Our dangerous enemies would be the Mosquitos and the North Wind.
Anyway, I highly recommend a simular trip to you all, it's good for your body and soul.

Passion : Deep Red : Blood

I saw you tonight, nameless stranger, can't sleep now...
You had perfect, wavy-ish-ly shoulder length deep chocolate brown hair...
Swaying with the gentle motions of the train...
Reading a book and laughing with it, feeling the emotions...
Sooo sexy...

Excitement : Orange : Fireworks

{4/18/02} My God!! Can you believe this?
This site was deleted by Angelfire like last year... I couldn't edit it, it kept saying they couldn't find it etc.
Now, I'm just clicking around and all of a sudden they said "hello, ab2/bewitchingrealm... Shit right?
I can't stand this on and off bull.
I'm ain't dating you Angelfire, so what's all this? Man, I am totally going to update this site.
I've changed a lot since I last touch this site, so expect some language
It's now a R rated site. No more of the rated G content.
Don't worry, I'm actually still the bedeviled person that you all have come to know me...

New Experiences : Orange-Red : Pandora's Box

{11/5/02}This summer I spent two months living in a place with 60 others, meeting the world.
The world's children gathered and I was there, to receive their culture and food.
My second goal of meeting the world was realized, while my first goal of visiting the world will soon be accomplished.
I have one more summer left before life takes over.

Anime slide show
Free Moive!! grab the popcorn, nachos, and sodas. Check this slideshow out!

Original Art!
Original and anime art, it has different styles... come in, come in!

Photo Booth~~~~~~~~~~~~~>

Writings and Stories
Horror of reality, Drama, humor, Irony. Fiction and Nonfiction.

Super Nova (<>..<>)Xanga
STARBUCKsChild-My online child, my offspring. Translation: My online Journal.

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Webrings and Links
Portals to other realms

For Netscape people who can't see the flowing frame that contains the updates


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Currently reading: The Count of Monte Cristo
Alexandre Dumas

The book said: This enduringly popular tale of love and vengeance in the post-Napoleonic era follows Edmond Dantes as he prepares to captain his own ship and marry his beloved Mercedes...

and the description goes on and on... Personally, I think these summaries give away too much of the book's secrets. I want to be the one to discover his friendship with Abbe Faria. I know, I know, it's for attracting readers, but still.

My friend recommended me to this adventure book. It is "the quintessential novel of revenge", which means he will come back and take care of those who have done him wrong. Currently I am in the middle of it.

ALSO reading: SHUTTERBABE: Adventures in Love and War
Deborah Copaken Kogan

This is really the autobiography of a photojournalist...a woman photojournalist. It is her journey through the world's war zones and some of her personal life. It's not, her descriptions are very witty and funny sometimes.

Finished reading: Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
J.R.R. Tolken

The story is cool, however I still have not read the last 3 chapters of this story. I have the tendency to leave a book. I might or might not come back to I know I will read the third book before the movie comes out...but I'm starting to think that NOT reading the book yet makes the movie much more I knew what was about to happen through Two Towers...AII YAHH.

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