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by George Harrington

Great interest is being shown in the production of Late-Flowering Sprays, and by using blackout procedures, it is possible to produce them almost to the day when required. By controlling the length of daylight during bud initiation, by giving a set number of hours of darkness each day, generally about 14 hours, fifteen or more fine spray blooms per plant will be produced. All cultivars fall into their own particular response group, each group will fit into the range of 8 to 14 weeks for bud initiation. It is therefore possible to take advantage of the known period between striking of the cutting, bud initiation and full bloom, through a blacking-out process, to induce the production of buds and so time full bloom especially for the shows. By keeping accurate records, it is therefore possible to keep a clear picture of the time response to each cultivar group. Generally it will be found that the majority of these will be in the 9 to 11 week group, especially singles, spiders, anemones and poms. This time frame also fits the latest Spray types raised especially for exhibition and floral art purposes. Suitable cuttings should be struck from standard material already growing by the second week in January, thus giving rooted material by the first week in February. Potting-on then proceeds, either three plants to an 8 or 9 inch pot(20cm), or for good exhibition Sprays, one plant in a six inch pot(15cm) taken straight up to flower. No stopping is required, just take up the three best laterals on each plant. The method to be employed in the blacking-out process very much depends on the number of plants being grown. For a start, it is recommended that 6 plants only should be grown, using either single plants or the three in a pot as recommended earlier, or a combination of both. The plants will only grow to a height of 2ft 6ins(80cms), so they can either be blacked- out singly or a frame may be constructed, three feet high(1 metre) at the back and sloping down to 2ft 6 ins(80 cms) at the front, the length being suited to the number of plants grown. It is suggested that straining wires be attached to the frame. Securely pin black plastic to the sides and back and leave the front free as a flap that can be rolled up or let down as required. Covers should go on at 6 pm until 7 am, or 7 pm until 8 am whichever suits you best . The usual watering and spraying program should take place. Remember that no stopping is required, just grow them straight up and secure the three best laterals and endeavour to turn the pots each day to maintain an even growth. Timing Detail for Exhibition Sprays Variety Root Pot On Black Out 8 - 9 weeks 15th January 1st February 22nd February 10 -11 weeks 4th January 20th January 1st February

*Dates are those required in South Australia to get the best results.


aaaTerminal Spray Cerowned Spra aaaaaaaaaayCrowned Spray aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaDouble Crowned Spray

vvvv aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavCompound SprayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAnother Terminal Spray nnnnnnnnnnnn


Spatulated Petal Sprayn
Spatulated Petal Spray

Pictures of sprays taken from 'Chrysanthemums the Year Round' by Searle and Machin, Blandford Press (1957)

© 2000 by George Harrington