<div align="center"><img src="title> </head> <body bgcolor="#800000" background="hidden640.jpg" text="#ff0000" link="#ff8c00" alink="#bdb76b" vlink="#ff0000"> <basefont size="5"> <h1 align="center">OUR RANKING SYSTEM</h1> <div align="center"><img src="boltbar.gif"></div> <p> <font size="5"> Ranking System</font> <ul> <li>Minion- 10000(Can't get auto promotion to Minion.) <li>Lord- 5000(Can't get auto promotion.) <li>Knight - 2500 (Warriors...) <li>Warlock - 2500 (sorcerers...) <li>Archer - 2500 (Rogues...) <li>Assasin- 1500, and must have been a Bounty Hunter.) <li>Bounty Hunter - ask me, must have experience <li>Squire - 400 <li>Soldier - 200 <li>Worm - start here <li>Jester - if you're demoted from worm. </ul> <p> We go by a point system to determine Ranks. The System is: For every ear you bring us you get 10 points. For every meeting you attend you get 20 points. For every person you kill on the hit list you get 50 points.If you recruit someone you get 30 points. If by some chance you do happen to die you lose 50 points if you are EVER killed by a legit. You only have to attend 1 meeting every 2 months, if you don't attend at least 1 you go down 1 rank, if you are a jester you are booted out. If you disobey a higher rank you lose 5 points. (If someone of a lower rank disobeys you tell me.)<p><div align="center"><img src="jaguar_1.gif"></div> <font size="5">Things to access from here</font> <p> <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/ab3/diabloclanAoD/AoD">Back to Home</a><br> <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/ab3/diabloclanAoD/Hitlist">Hit List</a><br> <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/ab3/diabloclanAoD/Allies">Allies</a><br> <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/ab3/diabloclanAoD/Enemies">Enemies</a><br></f> <p> </div> </body> </html>