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Cody Nathanial Golyar
August 25, 1998 - January 30, 1999
Shaken Baby Syndrome

Cody was the most beautiful little boy. He was my first child, and what a daddy's boy he was. I could hand him to someone and he would immediately start crying. But, the minute I took him back, or picked him up, he would stop crying instantly. He was a very collicky baby, yet I was able to soothe him.

I remember one time in particular when I took him to Detroit with me. He slept the entire trip, then kept me up for all but two hours that night.

All I have are these memories of my beloved son. Cody's life came to a tragic end when he was shaken to death by his mother's boyfriend.

He was and is the light of my life. I miss him so.

Cody - 3 months old
