Welcome to the Kennedy Key Club Weekly Agenda for: 10/12/00
The 2000-2001 Key Club Board
President: Amy Cohen
Co-Vice Presidents: Jon Scher and Melissa Cohen
Secretary: Lisa Borten
Treasurer: Matthew Schwartz
If you have any questions or comments please email Matt Schwartz the Club treasurer and webmaster at: KeyClubWeb@aol.com or click the link below.
The Key Club Pledge: I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school, and community; to serve my nation and God and combat all forced which tend to undermine these institutions.
The Objects
1) To develop initiative and leadership;
2) To provide experience in living and working together;
3) To serve the school and community;
4) To cooperate with the school principal;
5) To prepare for useful citizenship;
6) To accept and promote the following ideals...
To give primacy to the human and spiritual, rather than the material values in life,
To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships,
To promote the adoption and application of higher standards in scholarship, sportsmanship, and social contracts,
To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship,
To provide a practical means to form enduring friendshipd, to render unselfish service, and to build better communities,
To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which
makes possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism, and good will.
Cool Links
JFK's Website: For Homework Help and School Information
The Key Clunb International Website: Check It Out!