Bunny behavior is a strange and wonderful thing! I am constantly amazed by the cute and weird things Fatty and Spot do. What I want to do with this page is compile a bunch of cool rabbit habits, to share with other bun owners.
Here's what I've collected so far:
- Melissa's bunny Cadbury used to have a guinea pig friend. Cadbury is such a laid-back rabbit, she let the guinea pig suck all of the hair off her hind legs!
- Katie's bunnies like to cuddle up next to each other. Because the bunnies looked alike, they called them a pair of slippers!
- Dezarae's bun George like to hump his mom's leg. The good news is that George was neutered today (April 5)!
- A lot of rabbits flop over when they lie down. When Katie's bunny Snowflake does this, they call her Beauty Queen.

Cool things my bunnies do:
- Fatty and Spot hate to be in their cage. As soon as I get home, they get to run around. But as soon as I try to clean their cage, they decide they want to be in it!
- Spot has his favorite chair in the house. He likes to sit on one of the kitchen chairs under the table. Fatty won't go in the kitchen, because she hates the linoleum floor!
- Fatty McGee is a bit of a bossy bunny. She likes to thump her feet all the time. Not because she is scared, but just when she is cranky about something. It's her way of letting me know she is not impressed with mom!
That's a start, but I still need lots more! Please mail me your cool bun stories to lhagell@telusplanet.net. Send me a picture of you rabbit, and I'll post that too (eventually). Thanks to Katie, Melissa, Dezarae, and their buns! Check back soon for more!
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