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About ASC 4


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Website © 2001 ASC 4
Site designer: LT Kieran McCarthy

The role of the United Nations Military Hospital and ASC4 is:

  1. To provide level 1, 2 & 3 medical support to the Peace Keeping Force (PKF).
  2. To provide urgent care to protect life and limb to UNTAET and other CIVILIANS.

The hospital is an integrated facility housing medical and support staff from Australia, Egypt and Singapore:

  • AS: providing medical staff, medical equipment & logistic and admin support
  • EG: mainly provides medical equipment and staff
  • SG: mainly provides medical equipment and staff

Lt Colonel Wrobel, Australian Army, commands the facility. The Australian component at the hospital, ASC4, is based on the 3rd Health Support Battalion (Army), from Keswick Barracks, Adelaide. 3HSB was previously known as 3rd Forward General Hospital, which can be dated back in various forms to WW1.

  • 60 pers total which includes the recently assigned RAAF AME team.
  • 4 Specialist Medical Positions are rotated monthly
  • 35 pers are from 3HSB and other SA units
  • 12 RAAF and RAN component
  • 36 of the 60 are Reservists.

3HSB is an Australian Army Reserve unit, and this is the first time such a unit has deployed on mass. It is a credit to those members and those supporting that the deployment, now past it's fourth month, has been a successful one.

The hospital continues in it's role of providing effective and valuable health care to military and civilian personnel in the UNTAET force. Admission rates have been moderate, with a variety of conditions ranging from minor medical conditions to major traumas. The hospital has demonstrated it's ability to deal with all forseeable medical emergencies.

The current Australian component of the hospital will be replaced in late August by ASC 5 - staff from 6 Hospital, Royal Australian Air Force, based at RAAF Laverton and Williams