~!Welcome To Diagon Alley!~

Welcome to Diagon Alley! PLease remember that if you want to get any items, e-mail ~Sparks~ and she will deduct it from your account, and, if your wondering how to make money, what you have to do is get sorted, then you'll recieve a weekly newsletter with a quiz made specifically for your house on it, and the more you get right, the more money you make! And also, if your wondering what good is it to buy these things, well, the more stuff you buy, the more hints you get to the upcoming quiz! And that money will come in handy for upcoming parts of this website!

Welcome To Diagon Alley

The Apothecary
Ollivander's Wand Shop
Eeylops Pet Emporium
Madam Malkins Robes for All Occasions
Flourish and Blotts
Quality Quidditch Supplies

Email: mystery_chick_4_eva@hotmail.com