The Upcoming HPSS Movie is Affecting The Wizarding World Also!


As all of you already know, the up and coming Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Movie has devoting fans squirming in their seats, and making new fans out of the ones who said they weren't into Harry Potter (Can you imagine?! NOT into Harry Potter???!!!) Well, it just so happens that a wonderful reporter for this very newspaper has gotten inside the wizarding world and amazingly discovered that wizards and witches are making a huge deal of this too!! For example, one witch was quoting as saying, "This movie must be amazing! The Muggles are making a huge deal of it! Maybe we should go see it!" but the "person" this witch was talking to seem quite shaken by this and disagreed, saying, "A Witch should NEVER step inside a muggle-made building unless forced to!" so, in short, Wizards and Witches are quite confused over the upcoming movie(s). In fact, our reporter actually saw a couple of Wizards playing the Harry Potter Trading Card Game. So, this actually has a positive effect on the Wizarding World!

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