An Interview With a Wizard!

A Daily Prophet Exclusive!

Here, only at The Daily Phophet, do we have an interview with an actually Wizard! AND he claims that he actually conversed with Harry Potter just before his first year!


DP: So, Mr. Diggle, how did you feel when you were mentioned in Ms. Rowling's book?

Dedalus Diggle: I was just estatic! I couldn't believe my own eyes when I read the book!

DP: Quite, now, when it was mentioned in the book that you had bowed to Mr. Potter before, what were you doing in a Muggle grocery store?

DD: Ah, good question! You see, I cook alot for company that comes over, and I needed a head of lettuce badly for the meal I was making, but the Wizard shop was closed for a special occasion, so I rushed over to the nearest muggle shop to grab it, when I ran into none other then Mr. Potter himself! At first I couldn't believe it was him! But he had the scar! And, did you know, he has his mother's eyes!

DP: Well, ok, thank you for that detailed explanation--

DD: You very welcome! Muglles are so polite!

DP: Yes, well, how did you feel when Mr. Potter recognized you from the shop?

DD: I was completely overjoyed! THE Mr. Potter! The one who defeated You-Know-Who! Remember ME? I was the best day of my life!!!

DP: Yes, well, speaking of Voldemort (Mr. Dedalus shivers), how did you feel when you found out a child had defeated him?

DD: Yes, well, please don't speak You-Know-Who's name again, and, I was personally astounded when I heard the news, but I thought it perfectly possible. With Lily and James being the wizards they were! Of course little Harry would be able to fight him off!

DP: Yes, well, thank you so much for the interview, Mr. Dedalus!

DD: Your very welcome!